The Interviews

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Emily's P.O.V

       Sighing I can't be more thankful this will be the last interview. I don't even need an intern Garcia and JJ talked me into opening up a possible spot. In their opinion, I work too much, and they don't want me to become Hotch or even worse Strauss. At this rate, though after interviewing college kid after college kid I'm ready to tell the Director, I've decided it would be for the best at the moment that I not take on another subordinate. Opening the file of my last interviewee I'm surprised to see a female. All other five possible interns were males.

       Males of which spent more time trying to flirt than actually answering my questions. Multiple walked in with their chests puffed out and tried to control the interview as if they were trying to assert dominance. It was like they forgot they would be working for me not the other way around. Nearly everyone walked out of the office so sure they'll be getting the position. I'd love to be a fly on their walls when they receive my rejection emails with reasons. Oh yeah, I took notes for this.

       Skimming through her file she's a twenty-three-year-old senior majoring in criminology and criminal justice with a minor in photography and videography. That's a combination I've never seen at least not for field positions. Now my curiosity is piqued, and I begin to read over her background in more detail. In high school, she was a part of a criminal justice career technical program. Through that program, she became CPR, OSHA, and, FEMA certified. She also has almost all of her qualifications to become a corrections officer. She was chosen to do underage sale busts for her local precinct. This also wouldn't be her first internship having had one in high school doing hospital security. That was all just in the first two and a half years of high school.

       Now for the last three years of university, she's worked venue security, private security, and club security jobs. Her current GPA is a 3.8 and there's nothing that negatively stands out academically. She's a member of a national leadership society, Alpha Phi, and the National Thespian Society from high school. Her reference letters are glowing as well. All and all she seems actually capable. Now rather that transfers from paper we'll see.

       As I'm sitting reading over her file there's a quick knock, then my door opens. In walks my two BAU blondes. The agents from every other team I supervise would never but with them old habits die hard. "So how is the intern hunt going? Anything promising?" Pen takes the empty seats and JJ hops up on my desk.

       Holding out the one in my hand the ex-liaison takes it. "I'd sooner hunt for an unsub in the Appalachian Mountains again than have to keep doing this!" Garcia looks sympathetic as I slump down in my seat.

       "What's wrong with this one? She seems promising... and she's very pretty." Swatting at her she gives the file to Garcia.

       Since Andrew, they've been trying to set me up with practically anyone. As pretty as I find some women, I've never actually done anything with one past kissing JJ when we've gone undercover. I came to terms with the fact at one point I did have feelings for the blonde, but she married Will, so I accepted that not wanting to lose her as my best friend. Over time I've learned we'll always be better off as just that. Now at my big age, I think I've missed my opportunity.

       Pen snickers at her comment and I just roll my eyes. "I'm going to ignore that comment because I'm your boss but that's the thing I didn't find anything that's glaringly wrong with her. Out of all the candidates, she'd be the best fit. She's not entirely focused in criminal justice and that's what's going to make her well-rounded. However as good as she is on paper, I still need to asses her in-" Getting cut off there's a knock at my door.

       I go to answer it as they get up falling back into their professional personas. "Hello, I'm Rayne Lennox I have an interview with Section Chief Emily Prentiss for her intern position." Staring at her the headshot in the file doesn't do her justice.

       When my brain finally catches up, I open the door more. "Yes, that would be me actually my agents were just leaving." Gesturing for them to hit the bricks they step around her as she enters.

       On their way out they slip me back her file. Rounding my desk, I take my seat and she sits in the seat Garcia had vacated. Telling myself to keep it professional I begin with my list of questions I've asked each candidate. Her answers to each are practically perfect. Keeping her posture, she makes eye contact as she answers. She speaks with her hands allowing for open body language and communication. Every buzzword you can think of she hits balancing her own opinion with professionalism.

       Our conversation is actually engaging, and she came prepared with questions of her own. Using the entirety of the hour I scheduled out for each interview she's passed with flying colors I just have one more question and it's ultimately the make-it-or-break-it question. Everyone asks the question differently, but it essentially boils down to the same moral conundrum. I ask her if she would be willing to sacrifice an individual for the sake of the greater whole. Unlike the rest, she doesn't answer automatically with a yes or no. "That question all depends on circumstance. If there is another option to be able to save all then no. For every outcome, there's almost always an alternative. Without exacts that's almost an impossible question to answer. How much time do you have? Are you working alone or within a team? Is there a chance the situation is survivable?" Listening to her talk I can't help but take in her appearance.

       Tanned skin, dark curly hair, green eyes, and a jawline for days. She's wearing a white-collar shirt under a cream sweater vest. She's tucked them into a fitted pencil skirt pairing the outfit with white sneakers over heels. It's professional but speaks to the trends of her generation. That thought brings another startling one. She's quite literally young enough to be my daughter. If that didn't make me want to quit on the spot. "What's an interesting answer I haven't heard that one before." Standing up she takes the cue standing up as well. "It has been a pleasure I will be in touch soon with my final decision." Shaking her hand, I lead her out.

       Splitting off in the hall I enter Pen's lair as she disappears down the hall. "So when's her first day?" JJ's already there the BAU not being on an active case at the moment.

       Leaning against the table I mock her question. "She's intelligent and professional even for being the youngest candidate. She didn't come in trying to control the conversation or try to assert dominance. She was able to stay engaged throughout and came prepared with questions of her own. Honestly, she blew the rest of them completely out of the water. I have until the end of the week to decide if I'm going to have an intern and if I do I'm going to offer it to her." They share a look and I groan. 

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