Angels Under the Floorboards

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       The next morning, we're back at the station first thing. Decker's forensic analysis brings donuts in for everyone, and Reid had grabbed us all coffees before coming in. "I didn't know what you drank so I asked the barista what girls her age drink she kind of stared at me for a moment and then asked if it was for a gay. Emily said you had a girlfriend, so I blurted out yes. Anyway, you ended up with a Carmel iced coffee." Holding the drink out she takes it thanking him as she holds back her laughter.

       Tara though breaks out laughing. High-fiving my intern Morningstar's timing is impeccable as he walks through the door also holding an iced coffee. My agent looks at Ray who just nods and they both begin laughing harder. Getting it together Tara begins explaining. "It's a stereotype that gays love iced coffee. The joke is you can spot a gay based on their coffee order." Mocking offense Lucifer says he's only half gay.

       "Point still stands Luc." Carrying her things to the table she tells us Garcia had sent her the results from the search she did for us. "So it looks like around fifteen people attended all four nights our victims did. Seven of those people were found in photos with at least one of the victims. Two of the seven were found in photos with two of victims but there's one person that was for sure with three of the now dead men." Mirroring her laptop to the tv she pulls up the ID and photos of Thomas Rittenhouse.

       He's local to the area so I take Alvez and JJ with me to lead the arrest. Decker has Markus come with her since it's her case. We also have the locals meet us there just in case. It turns out to be an easy takedown though as the guy hadn't even woken up yet for the day. Based on the obscene amount of religious paraphernalia taped to the walls of his apartment it is safe to assume we got our guy. His ramblings about him doing God's work by killing the fags also helps tie this all up nicely.

       I ride with Decker to escort Rittenhouse to the station. Having to drag him through the station as he struggles he suddenly stops as we begin passing the conference room. "Oh, I get it now, you're working alongside those whores." Starring Ray down there's not an ounce of recognition just confusion. "Don't play games Ray Baby I know exactly who you are a lot of people do actually considering you let women as old as your mother pass you around like a slut!" Basically, screaming it for the whole station to hear Decker jerks him and Lucifer gets up.

       Ray's frozen in shock but before the LAPD consultant can get to us some of the locals come over offering to take him for us. For what was probably his safety the blonde passed him off. I step into the room, and she moved to be in the door frame to stop him from going out it. "Wait hold on if he knows me by that name then he's been going to Repent for years because the last time I had gone was before I moved to Texas." If that's the case, then we may have a problem.

       "These aren't his first kills... it all seemed too clean for an amateur. He's had practice and these were just the ones he wanted to be seen." Spencer agrees with Dave and with what we know about Rittenhouse our investigation may just be beginning.

       Gathering my team, I have Tara and Alvez stay to start the interrogations the rest of us are going to head back to his house to see if we can find anything that'll help us find the other bodies. Lucifer says he'll join us riding in the back. I have to give it to Ray it seems like what was said affected her less than everyone else and it was directed at her. "Hey Luc, you remember that last Halloween party before I left?" Watching through the rear-view mirror he tells her vaguely. "Yeah same, but there's one part of the night that I'm pretty sure someone with dementia couldn't forget." She's wearing a look of disgust and you can tell the moment he realizes what she talking about face twisting. "Wasn't Rittenhouse a part of the centipede?" Deep down I know what she's referencing but my brain is refusing to believe it.

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