Part 11: Eve

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The scene in the club is bleak. It's four in the morning as Liam and I come out of the spa and into the cavernous space of Reap. It looks different with the fluorescent lights turned on; it looks industrial and cold. I walk carefully behind him down the balcony, not ready to look at the dance floor because I'm scared of what I will see. I have vague flashes of blood and dead bodies from last night when he carries me across the club, but I was so out of it that seeing it again will feel like the first time.

Liam slows down as we get to the stairs and he reaches behind him, splaying his fingers out in a gesture for me to take it. I do, weaving my fingers between his. His hand is so large and warm and envelopes mine, calming the nerves that have started to bubble up. He glances over his shoulder at me and gives me a sympathetic smile before descending down to the main level.

Staff stand around in various spots, sweeping and scooping up glass and bullets into buckets. All the bodies are gone, and most of the blood has been mopped up apparently. It's not as bad as I imagined and I exhale a huge breath I was holding. The air smells of rancid blood and silver, and I gag slightly. Liam leads us to the bar, where Marcus leans against it looking at something on his phone.

"You survived." I say as we approach, and he looks up in shock, dropping his phone on the bar and rushing over to me. He scoops me up in a hug, lifting me off my feet. I grasp onto Liam, not wanting to let go for some reason, and when Marcus releases me, he notices our interlocked hands. He doesn't react, simply smiles at my face and strokes my hair.

"I'm so glad to see you," He sighs, "Dr. Carrvot came down earlier and told me what happened, and I visited you while you were sleeping." He looks at Liam, and I see a spark of admiration in his eyes. "Thank you so much, Liam, for saving her life. I know it must not have been easy for you to do that, but you did it without hesitation." He leans over with an outstretched hand, and Liam lets go of mine to take it, and I beam as they shake hands. Marcus surprises me when he pulls Liam in, wrapping his free arm around his shoulder and patting him on the back in a bro hug.

"Do you need any help?" Liam asks when they let go of each other. Marcus looks around and purses his lips, shaking his head.

"Nah, I think we are just about ready to start ripping out the bars and DJ booth so we can get some new ones." He looks at me, looking for approval. "I hope that's okay, I arranged to have the place remodeled as soon as possible."

I just raise my eyebrows at him, pleasantly surprised, yet again, at his attitude. "That sounds amazing, thank you for taking that on," I glance around. "How many did we lose?" I whisper.

Marcus's smile fades, a serious expression taking over. "A bartender, DJ and a couple waitresses." He shakes his head in disappointment. "And about twenty-five clubbers, a mix of vamps and humans."

My guts twist in grief. I exhale, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Thank you for cleaning up." I meet his eyes, and smile halfheartedly.

Liams stomach growls loudly beside us.

"Oop," Liam looks embarrassed as he puts his hand on his belly, "I'm starving." he looks down at his watch. "It's almost five in the morning, I should get you home." He looks at me in concern, and Marcus nods and makes a grunting sound in agreement.

"Want me to drive you?" Marcus offers, and both men look at me at the same time and I don't know how to answer. Marcus's dark eyes watch me expectantly, and Liam's baby blue's lift at the corners in amusement. I just laugh and say, "I think I can manage boys, thank you both so much." I grab Marcus's arm and squeeze, then turn to Liam and embrace him. "Really, thank you." He gives me a crooked smile and shrugs as I pull away.

"Anytime," He says.


I part ways with them and get into Hector's SUV. I take a deep breath, holding it in my lungs for four seconds before letting it out slowly. My body feels strong after getting the fresh blood transfusion from Liam. I've never felt anything like that before, waking up with so much energy I was practically vibrating from it. No amount of ingested human blood could ever make me feel like this. Physically, I could swim across the ocean and back by lunch. But mentally, I'm drained.

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