Part 4: Liam

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"How'd it go?" Trav asks on the other end of the phone as I walk around the building to the front of Reap after my little introduction with Eve. Travis informed me before I drove down here that she is to take the place of the man who was fired this morning, becoming the head of operations of blood harvesting as well as running the club.

"About as well as I imagined. Though you didn't tell me the members were so good looking." I stop when I reach the end of the long line of humans waiting to get into the club, the muffled bass of the music thumping through the walls.

"Well, you didn't ask. They are vampires anyway, so not like it matters." He scoffs, and I shrug to myself.

Sure, the woman was gorgeous, but a parasite and not something I would get tangled up in. Though I can see the appeal that humans have with them. They lure you in with their good looks so they can suck you dry. No thanks.

"I know," I mutter in agreement, " just being observant. That big guy was pretty scary looking too. I'll have to keep an eye on him. How did your informant find out about Nicolas killing the leader of the unit anyways?" I mumble, not wanting to draw attention, but people in front of me in line are too busy with their own conversations to pay me any mind.

"I have a human servant on the payroll in Nicolas' house, and he is very trusted. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets changed to a vampire one day with how loyal he is."

"How loyal can he be if he tells you everything?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"He only tells me things that don't get Nicolas in trouble. I've never learned anything about that man that anyone else can't find out. Funny, they keep the most minuscule things secret it seems, and air their dirty laundry with no fear or shame." He chuckles, sounding almost jealous of the power vampires have. I roll my eyes at him, and thankfully he can't see, because he would give me shit for it.

"Yet he told you that to become a vampire requires a ritual with a powerful leader? That part seems pretty secretive." I snicker into the phone.

"Of course." He comments, like it's obvious.

"Well let's hope he's right," I take a step as the line moves a couple feet.

"Me too," He sighs. "What's the plan?"

"Play dumb, learn as much as I can." I keep my voice hushed still, and he notices.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"Waiting in line at Reap. Gonna go check things out." I respond, and a human woman takes interest in my conversation and turns to glance at me, eyebrows lifting as she takes in my muscular frame. I wink at her and she blushes, turning back to her friend, her long red hair swaying down her back.

"Well, try to stay out of trouble." He sighs, and I feel the conversation ending.

"Will do." I hit end and slide my phone into my back pocket, putting my hands in the front ones. The woman turns around again and smiles at me, her friend turning too. I smile back at them, and they quickly turn away, giggling.

"Does this line usually move at snail speed?" I joke, and the redhead faces me and nods.

"Yeah, we've waited out here for hours before, just to get in for a few minutes before dawn." She bounces on her heels excitedly. Her eyes sparkle when she looks at the red neon lights that line around the top of the black building. There are no windows, just vented slats around the top of the roof for ventilation, allowing some music and crowd chatter to escape.

"You come here a lot?" I tilt my head, and she bites her lip in response. Damn, flirting is too easy when you are obviously attractive. It's gotten me in and out of trouble before. Can't hold down a woman though, because once they realize all I do is work and go home and eat and sleep, they are uninterested and don't answer my calls.

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