Part 12: Liam

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I get home from the club just before dawn, taking a quick shower and passing out on my bed. I'm weak from the blood loss, but I don't even mind. I'm ecstatic that Eve is alive and healthy and I was able to do that for her.

I know I slept well, because when I wake up, I'm in a totally different position and don't remember tossing and turning at all. The sun is warming against the west facing windows of my bedroom, meaning the sun is setting soon. We slept through the entire day.

I open my eyes and nearly jump out of my skin when I see Eve. Her brown hair splayed out everywhere, her face peaceful as she lay on her back with her arm up over her head. Our legs are intertwined somehow, the coolness of her skin feels amazingly refreshing against mine. My arm is draped across her body, wrapping around her waist protectively and my other arm is buried in her hair. She breathes slow and deep as I stare at her, her perfect profile mesmerizing me. I notice she's wearing my hoodie and a pair of underwear, and wonder why she didn't end up going home. She would've changed and showered if she had.

I'm about to lift my hand off her waist when Milo jumps up on the bed, shaking us ever so slightly. Her eyes pop open, and I shut mine, pretending to be asleep. It takes her a few seconds to move, but I feel her turn her head on my arm and she sucks in a breath. I force myself to breathe and stay totally relaxed, hoping she doesn't realize I was just watching her sleep.

She tries to move her leg and is pinned under mine, and I wonder silently at what point do I pretend to wake up. She freezes, holding her breath, and I realize that she doesn't want to wake me up; she's trying to sneak out of the bed. I decided to let her. She begins to slowly pull her leg out from the vice of mine, and her skin sliding over my leg just about makes my chest explode. The sensation of that will be ingrained in my brain until the day I die. Once her leg is free, I feel her cool touch on my wrist as she tries to lift my heavy arm. I help her out by pretending to stir, inhaling heavily and rolling over, yanking the blanket with me for good measure so she isn't trapped inside it. I smile to myself as I bury my face in my pillow and settle into my new fake sleeping position. I feel her get out of the bed, trying very hard to be careful i imagine, and don't hear another sound. No creaking of the floor or shuffling of her clothes. For a long minute I lay perfectly still, just listening. It's not until I hear the bathroom door click shut and the water turn on that I am reminded of her vampire stealthiness.

I figure it's safe to move now, and I sit up on the side of the bed, reaching my arms over my head and twisting my back carefully to stretch. I blow out a breath and grunt as I stand up, holding a hand on the wall to steady my spinning head.

"Whoa," I mumble as I wait for it to subside. My stomach growls immediately. I never even ate when I got home. And now it's been well over twenty-four hours since I fed myself.

I scuff my feet down the hallway and go into the kitchen, checking the fridge and I am disappointed to find nothing I want in there. I'm so busy working I hardly ever buy food for the house. I shut it and go back to my bedroom, pick up my phone and order some pasta on my delivery app. I click all the additives. Meatsauce, garlic rolls and extra butter. I notice they have the option to add Blud to your order, so I order two bottles and cash out.

Delivery in thirty minutes.

I have to piss so I walk to the bathroom and stop at the door, smelling my body wash from the hallway. I bite my lip, imagining her lathering herself up in my shower. I imagine her smooth naked skin, all soaped up and how amazing it would feel to rub my hands up and down her body. I swallow and laugh out loud at myself as I swing the door open and stroll into my bathroom.


I head back to my bedroom to get dressed while Eve uses the bathroom, putting on the clothes i brought her. It worries me that someone trashed her place the same night Reap was attacked, and i am definitely thinking the two are related. It can't be a coincidence. Travis had told me that Hector was killed for organizing an attack on the Moons, so this very well could have just been a retaliation from both sides. I put on a pair of paint stained blue jeans and black t-shirt and walk by the bathroom just as Eve is coming out.

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