Prologue 1- The Priest

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"Syria Saxon Adara Noir," announces the Priest.

Eyes turn and look at me; some stare, some try to take a glance, some try hard not to make eye contact with me. The girls start to pass whispers all saying the same thing, "freak", "strange", "weird". The ones that hurt the most are the "demon" and "outsider".

They say I am possessed, and that is why I can't get adopted. I have been in multiple foster homes; they all say that they will be the family to adopt me, but they never are. They say they love me, and it is ok to be myself with them because they are safe, but when I let my guard down, they change and become awful people. They start to say the same as the Priest and the nuns, that I am possessed. I don't know why my hair decides to change color or why my face contorts. Maybe I am, as they say, a demon.

I walk up the red-carpeted stairs to where the Priest stands on the center stage, and he starts to hand me a letter. I was so shocked to receive a letter that I needed to remember to be very careful in how I act. He gives me a warning glare as I reach for the letter. The Priest holds onto it even when I try to take it.

"If you ever want to read this, you will come by my office tonight," he warns in a low voice.

The Priest glances both ways to ensure no one is looking, then sneaks the letter into his scarlet velvet bag behind him.

"But it is my letter," I argue, "everyone else that was sent a letter got to take it."

"Do as I say, child," demands the Priest.

I shake my head in disbelief as I walk back down the stairs.

After the rest of the girls receive their letters, the nuns hurry to get us in a single file line. The room is chaos as the hundreds of girls push and shove for their spot in line. They argue and bicker over the most minor things, such as who gets to stand next to who. They start to pull on each other's hair, pretend not to have done it, and blame it on someone else. They gossip about a girl before them and then wonder how they heard them say something terrible about it. Girls can be petty and mean. It makes it hard to have friends. It is difficult to blame them; their hate for the foster care system, their parents, past and future foster homes, and their jealousy for the girls that get adopted comes out negatively against each other. Every girl thinks they hate the system more and that they deserve to be adopted more. The girls don't affect me anymore; you become numb to them after a while. You learn that you will never become true friends with them.

I walk slowly in the line as we leave the church. The girls nod their heads in respect to the Priest as we walk by, but I stare at him instead. His kind and loving gaze quickly hardens as he sees me and gives me a warning glare.

The nuns guided us through the ornate gold doors and into a cobbled stone back alley way and back to the run down girl's home. The nuns dismissed us to do as we please, but I am not allowed to. I slowly climb the creaky stairs back to my room, in no hurry to get back to the musty dust filled space. Most of the girls have larger, cleaner room with a roommate or two and a door that doesn't scream. The nuns put me in a older room by myself that hasn't been cleaned in years. I heard them say it is meant to confine me, so that I don't interact with the other girls too much.

I reach the top of the stairs and open the creaking wood door and enter the dust filled room. I kick off my Marry Janes at the entryway and walk to the small window and open the bug bitten curtains. I glance out to the outside play area of the girls home where they all run around together. If I am not eating or in church, I meant to stay locked away in my room. Even for school I am separated from the rest and often taught by the Priest himself.

I sink onto the small, gray, metal twin sized bed in the corner of the room and pull the thin blanket over myself. As I look up at the gray cobweb covered ceiling my eyes start to drift close. Slowly the stabbing pain starts to consume my entire body until I am sweating and drift off.


I am roughly shaken and quickly blink open my eyes. The Priest is standing above me looking as mad as ever. I glance to the window and see that the sun has gone down. Behind the Priest the nuns stand in the doorway, holding restraints.

"No, please no!" I beg desperately as I noticed my mistake. I didn't go to the Priest's office and the realization has cause fear to start creeping in.

The Priest grabs my arms and pulls me up harshly till I'm sitting up on my bed. He pulls my arms behind my back as if I am being arrested. I start to fight and squirm as the Priest tries to hold me so he can put the handcuffs on me.

"Do you not remember me telling you to come see me tonight?" his demanding voice inquires.

"I'm sorry! I really am sorry! I fell asleep! I didn't mean to upset you!" my words are rushed out so fast through my cracking voice it is hard to even understand them.

The nuns walk in from the door way to help hold me still. Mother Superior stands in front of me. She waits for me to look up to her, but I don't give her the respect she is wanting. I look off into the distance and try to dissociate. Mother Superior grabs my face and yanks it so that I am looking up at her.

Her hand comes and my face stings as her hand slaps me. "Stupid child, why do you not listen? Why do you not respect your superiors? Why can you not stay with a family? Why do you keep coming back and burdening us?" Superior Mother screams.

I try to not show how her words effect me. My lip starts to quiver and I feel a tear slowly fall down my cheek.

"Do not ignore me! Answer me! I know you know why!" she demands.

My head shakes vigorously in denial.

"Say it Demon! Acknowledge it!" she shrieks.

"I'm a demon," I whisper.

Her hand comes against my face again. When she pulls her hand back again, suddenly I am out of the handcuffs and across the room.

"Please stop," I beg as I fall onto my knees.

The Priest and the nuns slowly exit the room in terror. I hear the door be locked from the outside multiple times. The banging makes me assume that they are barricading my door. I hear them chanting prayers outside of my door. 

I try to stand up, but I loose my balance as my head starts to spin. The pain becomes even more excruciating. I curl into the fetal position. I start to gag and I'm sure I would throw up if I had any food in my stomach. Ringing forms in my ears and my vision blackens.

Hello loves! Please let me know how you like this chapter, I tried to not info dump too much

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Hello loves! Please let me know how you like this chapter, I tried to not info dump too much.

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