Chapter 6 - Flashbacks

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I know I said I wouldn't do this, but this chapter will be triggering, please read with caution.

The birds tweet, announcing that the sun has risen. My eyes peel open just to be met with the harsh rays of the sun pouring through the window. I pull the blankets over my face, blocking out the sun. I try to fall back asleep, but pounding at my door has me pulling the blankets off of my face.

"Yes?" I announce to the door.

Dora bounds through the door, jumping on the bed so hard it makes the pillows fly. "Mom is making pancakes, she said we could help," she says excitedly. "Come downstairs when you are ready."

After she leaves, I drag my overly sore body out of the bed. I go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and pull my hair back into a ponytail. I dig through the bags of clothes from yesterday, overwhelmed with my options. I try to put an outfit together, not knowing what is appropriate together or not. 

"Syria, honey? Are you alright?" Andromeda asks as she enters my room, but stops when she sees the mess I have made from the clothes thrown around the room.

"I'm sorry-," I quickly say. "I will pick it up. I'm so sorry."

"Oh no, it isn't a problem, dear; how about I help pick something out?" she offers.

I nod as she goes through the clothes, picking out a pair of ripped jeans and a band shirt Dora picked out. She sends me into the bathroom, where I change. When I come out of the bathroom, Andromeda is picking up the clothes off the wood floor and, putting them in the drawers of the antique dresser, and hanging some in the closet. 

"Alright, dear, are you ready? Dora is so excited," she says.

I nod and follow her down the stairs, and we enter the kitchen. 

Dora holds up a distorted Mickey Mouse pancake that she obviously made herself, "I should drop out and be a pancake artist."

"Keep dreaming, honey," Andromeda says while patting Dora's shoulder.

Dora explained how to do it, and I made a couple of heart-shaped pancakes, not attempting any fancy shapes like Dora. 

We sit down, and I eat a couple of bites before picking at my food for the rest of the meal. 

After breakfast, I go back up to my room. Margret sits on the bed, watching the birds in the tree outside the window. I start to go through the bags from yesterday, trying to organize.

"What are you doing?" Dora asks after busting into the room.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"We're doing makeovers, come on," she instructs.


I'm sitting on Dora's bed with a green avocado mask on my face. Dora's room has pink and black walls, covered with band posters. Some of Andromeda's plants are in her room, but they are half dead unlike the ones through out the rest of the house. Her room is as loud as her personality. Instead of playing soft, spa like music you would typically think of, she is playing rock music so loud we can't hear each other. Instead of putting the cucumbers on her face, Dora has resorted to eating them instead. 

Her timer goes off and we wash our faces in her sink, that is surrounded by her messy counter. She clears off a spot on the counter then sits me down and tells me to choose a nail polish. The choices are matte black, shimmering black, and black sparkles. 

I pick the shimmering black and she starts on my nails.

"So are you excited to start school?" Dora asks.

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