Chapter 10 - First Year

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I step into the small train bathroom and set my clothes on the counter. I hold on to the wall for balance as the train shakes against the tracks. I pull off the skirt and sweater I was previously wearing and pull on the white button-up shirt and the black skirt. I exit the bathroom and walk along the worn red carpet to the cabin. I sit on the bench close to the window and try to make out anything in the darkness. I feel the train start to slow down, and I pull on the large black robe. The train stops suddenly with a loud, screeching sound.

"Please leave your trunks on the train first years," announces the big-headed Weasley.

I follow Hermione out of the cabin. The train hallway is packed with students pushing and shoving to get off as quickly as possible. I slowly walk down the train's steps and onto the train station's cement.

"First years! First years this way!" calls a loud voice.

I walk towards the voice, but I don't know where I'm going as I can't see over the tall heads of the older students. I stop when I see a large group of my sized students. 

"All right, that should be everyone now," the voice says again, but I still have no idea where it comes from.

I slowly lift my head and see a man the size of a tree standing in front of the group with a large light. I am so physically taken aback by his size that I don't realize the group is moving till they are a few meters in front of me. I quickly walk to catch up to the group and follow them down the grass path that is surrounded by trees. It was steep and I try to desperately take careful steps, but it is difficult in the darkness. I'm at the back of the group, so all the light is with the large man at the front. My foot gets stuck, and I gasp as I trip and land on the sharp rocks in the fresh mud. A couple of the students in front of me turn at the noise of me hitting the ground and start to laugh before continuing to walk off. I pull myself off the ground and do my best to wipe the mud off my legs and hands. I walk a distance behind the group, my knees now cut up and stinging. I turn a corner, and I'm met with the silhouette of a large castle and sparkling stained glass windows. 

"No more than four on a boat," Hagrid tells a group of kids with many piling on.

I try to look for a boat, but every boat is full. I come to a stop at a boat with three people, but when I go to climb in a girl with straight black hair stretches out her legs over the empty spot. I walk back towards where the tall man stands, hoping to find a boat on the way. When the man sees me wondering around he comes to stand in front of me.

"Oh dear, looks like they are full," the man explains. "You can ride in my boat with me; my name is Hagrid if you missed it back there," he says with a significant smile.

I follow Hagrid to his boat, and he holds his large hand for me to hold on to while I step into the larger boat. 

"Is everybody in? Right then, forward!" he yells.

The boats start to creek as they shift and move through the water towards the glittering castle. I shift to look behind me and see all the smaller boats following behind our bigger one. The lights that the students hold and hang from the front of the boat reflect across the lake. The boats come to a slow stop under a something that reminded me of a cave. Hagrid holds out his hand again to help me out onto the rocks. The students group together and talk with the new friends they made. I stand a distance away from the group and watch Hagrid as he checks the boats.

"Did anyone loose a toad?" Hagrid calls out to the group.

"Trevor!" Neville yells as he races over to Hagrid. 

Hagrid gives the boy his small toad before he goes to the front of the group and leads us up a set of stairs, while I linger a few steps behind the group. I reach the top of the stone stairs just as Hagrid bangs on the large wooden doors. The door opens and I can just see the top of Minny's hat as she stands in the doorway. 

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