Chapter 5 - Tonk's House

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I step out of the fireplace and glance around the Tonks' home. It is covered in antique furniture but still looks modern. Large plants are on every surface, gaining tons of sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Brightly colored patterned tile covers the living room all the way to the kitchen. The sun catchers in the window reflect intricate patterns across the parlor.

I quickly turn around when I see a flash of green from the fireplace behind me, "Well, Nyphadora will show you to your room, so that you can settle in," Andromeda announces.

I follow Dora up a spiral staircase to a floor overlooking the parlor. I am led into a room that has a queen-size, canopy bed with crystal beads and pearls hanging from the top of the bed, going down to the floor. Blue velvet patterned curtains hang on each side of the floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall window. It is the star of the room. Large plants hang from the ceiling, covering the ceiling except for the middle where a large crystal chandelier hangs. It looked like something you would see in a movie, not real life.

"Mom said that you can change anything you want. It could use some band posters, but that is my opinion. Dinner shouldn't take too long. Mom is a great cook," Dora rambles.

Margret jumps onto the made bed, looking at the birds that fly by the window.

"Well, I will give you some time to settle in," she announces to my silence before leaving.

I flop onto the bed, landing on my back. I close my eyes and take some deep breaths. The full-body stabbing pain has started. That's what I get for having an actually fun day; I get the consequence of not just exhaustion and overly sore muscles at the end of the day but excoriating pain.

I force myself off the bed; if I don't get up now, I know I won't be able to later. I slowly walk out of my new room and hold on to the stair railing tightly as I start to make my way down. I am met with the delicious smell of garlic seeping through the house and the loud banging of pots and pans.

I carefully walk over to the chairs that sit by the counter facing the kitchen. I pull myself up into the tall chairs, my body being controlled by a stabbing pain in my stomach. Andromeda turns around to look with a grin, not noticing my forced smile.

"Hello, love. Did you get a chance to settle in?" she asks.

I give a quick nod before she turns back around to face the stove, "Dinner should be ready any minute now."

I wait at the counter as she scoops the pasta onto separate plates, then I carry two to the table. I take a seat at the table next to Dora as she rambles on about work. I try to listen and understand what she is saying, but her words do not make sense to me.

"Dora is in training to be an auror," Andromeda explains. "That is like the police or military for the wizarding world."

I nod in understanding at her explanation.

"Oh that's right! I forgot that you were basically a muggle-born," Dora explains.

I look to Andromeda questioningly, "A muggle is someone who doesn't have magic. A muggle-born is someone who has magic that comes from a non-magic parents. When they enter the wizarding world it is extremely difficult for them because they don't have any idea of their new world since they did not grow up with it. They also may face discrimination, like how you may have seen people of different races may face discrimination."

"What's wrong with-" I pause, searching for the word, "-muggle-borns?" I finish.

"There isn't anything wrong with them," she replies as she gives her husband a small smile. "What is called the sacred twenty-eight are the original families of the wizarding world, many of them believe that magic should only belong in those twenty eight families, and no one else. Someone that comes from the sacred twenty-eight is called a pure blood. Another term you may hear is half-blood, that is when someone has a pureblood parent and a muggle or muggle-born parent," she explains.

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