Chapter 1 - The Infirmary

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White light sneaks its way into my closed eyes. I try to reach my hands up to rub at my eyes, but my hands are caught in something. My eyes open fully, and I am met by harsh lightning that makes me instantly close my eyes again.

"Miss Noir," says a soft voice.

I open my eyes again to see the lady who was in the girls' home standing over me.

"Is this hell?" I question softly.

The woman lets out an exasperated breath as she starts to speak, "No, and I'm trying very hard not to take offense to that," the lady warns.

I glance around at my surroundings. Multiple white metal beds with gray blankets lining both walls of the long room. There are small medical green dividers in between the beds. The curtains are pulled back, letting the sunlight stream through the intricately designed windows. I glance to my right and see a silver IV pole with a tube running down to my hand.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? Where am I? What happened?" I start to ramble, and my voice becomes more urgent as more questions arise.

"I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall. This is Hogwarts, and to answer your question about what happened, I was hoping you could tell me," she replies.

The woman sits down on the bed next to mine. When I looked better at her face, I recognized her as the woman who had entered my room at the girl's home. Her tall, pointed hat with feathers and jewels stands out, making her unforgettable. Her emerald-colored robes had been the first color I had besides shades of gray in a long time. After I recognized her, the constant chanting and praying from those days flood back. The receptive sounds are not only annoying but make you not even able to comprehend your thoughts. I yank my hands up to my head, pulling on the IV in the process. My fingers weave into my hair, yanking as if I can pull the sounds out of my head. My eyes snap shut, trying to build a wall between those memories and me.

"Oh dear," I hear a woman breathe.

I feel my hands carefully pull my IV hand out of my hair. There are loud beeping sounds around me; they get louder and closer together, and then slowly, they become more distant as I try to calm my body down. When I cautiously open my clenched eyes I see a yellow tube going up to my face. I gently touch it and follow it with my fingers to my nose.

"What is this?" I question shyly.

"It is a feeding tube. It goes through your nose and into your stomach so food can quickly get into it. It was very important when you were rushed in here, seeing as underweight you were," she clarifies.

The woman works quickly around me putting something in my IV and messing with the machines around me.

"Let's see how you feel for the next few hours, then maybe we can look at taking that feeding tube out and letting you eat some real food," the lady explains.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" I ask.

"I'm Madam Pomphrey, I'm the school nurse here," she introduces herself.

She walks over to where McGonagall is sitting on the white metal bed.

"Are you able to tell us your name please?" McGonagall questions, looking concerned.

"Syria," I answer without issue

She gives a small smile before she clarifies, "Your full name?"

I pause for a second, having to think before I answer, "Seria Saxon Adara Noir." Something that would have been so easy to answer, felt like I had to go swimming in my mind for the information.

She nods before she asks her next question, "How old are you."

"I'm eleven," I respond, this time the information came more easily.

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