Chapter 9 - Hogwarts Express

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"Yes, of course," I answer rapidly.

She enters the cabin and sits across from me on the bench.

"And your name is?" she questions.

"Oh! I'm Syria Noir. It's nice to meet you," I answer.

"Are you a first-year?" Hermione asks.

"Yes," I respond.

"Then you must feel my struggle. I expected all of the first years to be very open to people since we are all new, but that doesn't seem to be the case," she comments.

"I understand your feelings," I reply.

Hermione explains that she is a muggle-born and that McGonagall had come to her family's home to explain the wizarding world. She talks about how her parents were thrilled for the opportunities for her, but it was the first time they will be separated for so long. Boarding school was prevalent in England, but it was something her parents had yet to consider.

"And you?" Hermione questions.

"What do you mean?"

"Well are you a muggle born too? What do your parents think?" she clarifies.

"Oh, I'm not a muggle born, but I'm not completely sure besides that." I pause while I think about my answer to her second question. "My parents weren't too shocked to hear the news," I lie through my smile.

"Well I'm sure your parents were expecting it if you aren't a muggle born. What did they say about Hogwarts, any advice that I should know?" she responds.

I think back to Andromeda's words before speaking, "They didn't say much about it, except that looking ahead for classes may be helpful," I say, not including Dora's advice to beat someone up.

"You're right, that isn't a lot to go off of. I'm sure I will be fine with being ahead, I have already read the beginning of the textbooks myself, I'm sure I won't have much of a struggle there."

I give a small smile to her, at her reply. I read cover to cover of every textbook during my time with the Tonks', but I keep that to myself. Every night after dinner, I would take a shower than turn on the lamp that sat on the nightstand next to the bed and would read late into the night while Margret would lay next to me. The subjects were fascinating, but Potions and Defense against the Dark Arts had my interest the most. The ability to be able to make things I never heard of with just precision, plants, and items around you, is insane to me. The history, drama, and opinions surrounding the Dark Arts, is something I feel as though I have barely even begin to grasp.

Hermione goes on about how her favorite subjects, almost as though she is trying to teach me. I don't know how to tell her that I don't need to be taught, so I just listen silently as I watch out the train window. We pass bright green fields that must stretch for miles. 

Hermione's rambling is interrupted by an older woman with short gray hair, "Anything off the trolley dears?"

I get up from my seat to look at the options just as the cabin across from us opens to reveal a certain red head. I ignore his staring and focus on the strange sweets in front of me. They have names and shapes of boxes that are different from the ones I saw the girls bring back with them after their outings. I pick up a box that is navy blue with a gold pattern on it that reads "Chocolate Frog".

"That will be five sickles love," the woman says as she indicates to the box I'm holding.

I look at her with my eyebrows raise, not understanding her, "What is a sickle?"

Before she can answer me Fred steps in, "Here is the five sickles," he tells the lady while handing her five rusty coins.

"Thank you dear," the woman says to Fred before he closes the door back to his cabin. I sit back down on the warn blue cushion seats. I open the paper lid off the box to reveal a brown frog. It jumps onto my hand that is holding the box and I quickly grab it with my other hand. I silently eat the odd shaped chocolate while looking at the card that sits in the chocolate box. The woman has long dark hair and wears a blue velvet dress that slightly hangs off her shoulders.

"Excuse me," says a boy with full cheeks. "Have you seen Trevor?"

"What does Trevor look like?" I ask him.

"Oh, sorry, he's my toad. I've been looking for him for ages and I haven't been able to find him," the boy explains.

"We haven't seen a toad, but we can help you look. What is your name?," Hermione replies.

"I'm Neville," he answers

Hermione goes off to ask people in their cabins and I follow Neville back to his cabin. I check around the window and I'm glad to see that it is still closed in locked. We search below the benches and the cracks in the cushions till we have covered every placed in the cabin

"I'm sure he will pop up before we have to leave," I reassure him as I leave his cabin.

The boy gives a nod that doesn't look confident as I head back to my cabin.

The sun has started going down and you can only see outlines of trees as we pass.

"You may want to change into your uniforms," announces the Weasley with the pompous voice to the surrounding cabins.

I pull my trunk from the rack that sits a top of the benches and open to pull out a white button down shirt, a gray skirt, and a black robe. I carry the clothes till I'm standing in a line that takes over the hallway. Fred and his brother stand a couple people in front of me with a short boy compared to the twins with black hair and dark skin. A girl in front of them keeps turning around to talk to the twins, ignoring the shorter boy who obviously keeps trying to get her attention. The line moves up a few people, then the girl that was talking to the twins looks them up in down flirtatiously then gives a wink before turning into the bathroom. The action has caused an eruption from the boys surrounding, some as far as hitting Fred with their arm in a teasing way. The twin that isn't Fred catches my staring and it causes me to instantly turn my gaze to the train carpet as my face heats and the tips of my hair starts to turn pink and it tries to work it's way up further. I take a couple of deep breathes, bring the tips of my hair back to it's normal shade before I step forward in line.

Hello loves, I've missed you all! I should be back on a regular schedule for a little while, sorry for the missed chapter last week

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Hello loves, I've missed you all! I should be back on a regular schedule for a little while, sorry for the missed chapter last week.

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