"Ya... Bukankah ini sesuatu yang menarik?"Image credit https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/134965 by zumizumi1254 on Twitter
Image credit https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/2264946 by nokenook on Twitter
A/n :
Oc spesial khusus buat Fragments ygy. Tp kalo di AU lain dia rill cwok👍Data OC (General Info)
Name : Weigela Variegata
Age : 16
Class : 2-B
Club : Fragments
Gender : Female
Birthday : December 31st
Zodiac : "uhh, yang kuda itu? Weige lupa namanya."
Likes : her bedroom, sleep, free time, angst genre, spicy food
Dislike : sweets, outdoor activities, lack of sleep
Height : 160 cm
Weight : "girl's secret"
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