one shot the horny system

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Ayanokouji pov

After monolog

The girl then called out to the entire bus

" can anyone give up their seat for this old woman "

She may have seemed as a nuisance to the passengers on the bus but it also appeals to the them.

" ding hello come to the horny system "

I looked up to see a flooding screen above me.

[ kiyotaka ayanokouji ]

[ stats ]

[ Your number out of 100 ]

Strength 49

Speed 52

Iq 65

Biq 66

Durability 51

Endurance 64

Deception 56

Manipulation 42

Adaptability 98

[ need to unlock other stats ]

What it  was like something out of a anime.

My stats weren't bad though.

" ding "

I looked up to see that the page on the system changed

[ welcome to the horny system]

[ in this system you will receive quests and gain different awards ]

[ you will be given daily quests, weekly quests and full time quests ]

[ you will receive daily quest the awards are the lowest quests and can give some skills like basic cooking and low amounts of food ]

[ daily quests will disappear after 12 pm ]

[ next is weekly quests it's a quest that gives a little more of a challenge that gives larger amounts of awards that go as far as to remove memories they hold as well as high level skills like given full Dan's on martial arts ]

[ weekly quest are given 1 am on Mondays and removed at 12 pm on Sundays ]

[ next are the full time quests these quests will not ever be removed and will give by far the best rewards ]

[ another part of the system is that at times you have three options and if you don't pick any then you will be killed ]

Wait what I can get killed. Calm down kiyotaka I can get through this.

I should check all the quests

[ daily quest : try lipsticks ]

OK that was a bit weird but I can definitely do it

[ weekly quests : try ten types of ice cream ]

OK I was planning on doing that anyways

[ Full time quests : get one million private points ]

I don't know private points but I suppose I can try.

This system isn't so bad

[ options]

Oh yeah I need to pick options

[ option one : go to the brown hair girl and slap her ass and tell the whole bus " you have a nice ass " ]

What oh that's probably the horny part.

[ option two : go to the brown hair girl and pants her in front if the bus ]

That's not much better

[ option three : accidentally fall on her ]

Way better

[ in the future the options will get more dareing. ]

That's not good

I will pick option three wheni said that the system moved in its own.

[ option three chosen ]

" excuse me I didn't hear you earlier you can my seat "

" oh thank you "

The brown girl looked happy

" thank you young man "

" your welcome "

I walked forward but whe  the bus was turning I used this time to ' accidentally fall on the brown hair girl '

When I fell my head hit a really soft pillow and my hand pinned her arms down

" oh sorry "

" it's OK "

She blushed and got up

" my name is kushida kikyo "

" ayanokouji Kiyotaka "

" oh I'm from class d "

" me too "

" great let's be friends "

" yeah "

Is getting friends this easy

I'm a pro at this

The bus came to a stop and I stepped out.

So this is the famous anhs huh it's considered the

" oh I will be going now ayanokouji "

" yeah bye "

She interrupted my monolog

I walked forward ready for my new high-school life.

( this is just the start so I'm planning on making more parts this is just the prolog)

( if there's any quests or options that he picks then you can always comment them )

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