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Fulton County
Buckhead Preparatory School
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
8:15 a.m.

It was the next day the kids were at school. Today was 'Tell all about me' day at school. It was for the teachers to help better understand the children.

Angel's POV:

As we entered our classroom I found my seat. Some boy was sitting in it. I politely tapped his shoulder and he looked at me.

"Can I help you?" Archer said.

"You're in my seat," I told him.

"No this is my seat," He told me. My patience was running a little thin.

"No, It says Angel T," I said pointing at my name.

"No, Angel is a girl name so that's not you," Archer said.

I was sick of him already i pulled him by his bookbag out of my chair and sat in my seat. Archer was on the floor looking at me. He was turning red in the face. I didn't really care.

"And Angel is a boy name too," I said taking my notebook out of my book bag to do the bell ringer.

"Archer get off the floor and get in your seat please." The teacher told him. I felt my book bag gets knocked down and my chair get scooted back. I felt two hands push my body forward.

"Get out my seat you cotton-smelling boy," Archer said. I looked at him and started laughing.

"Acher Clarke the office now. Racism will NOT be tolerated."

"You would think black people surrounded him he wouldn't be racist but I guess I was wrong," I said.


I hate being called out my name, If it's not Ange, Kree, or Buck I don't want to hear it. I got up and in his face.

"Say what you said boy" I said walking towards him. I was slightly taller than the average 10-year-old.

"I said YOU NIG- " He started to say but he got cut off with me punching him in his mouth. I felt my knuckle connect with his teeth and I winced in pain but I didn't stop.

"You" punch "are" punch "going" punch "to" punch "RESPECT" punch punch "me" punch. I said punching him repeatedly My teacher had to pull me off of him because I just felt so disrespected. All I saw was red. Once I looked down at my now red knuckles I started crying.

"I didn't mean to do it," I cried.

"Angel go to the principal's office now."

"Yes ma'am," I said gathering my things. I stopped by the bathroom and cleaned my face. I was red in the face and my knuckles were swollen.

"Angel what are you doing in here." The secretary asked me. Before I could answer my teacher answered bringing a crying Archer into the office.

"These two fought. I need you to call their parents." The teacher told the secretary.

"What Angel fighting?" She said shocked. I was so embarrassed I put my head down. I felt my eyes swell up in tears but I wiped them. I sat down on the chair and waited til one of my parents showed up. Knowing them they all are going to show up.


About 45 minutes later my parents showed up, and you guessed it all three of them.

"Angel Kree Taylor, have you lost your damn mind?" Danni said.

"No Mommy I swear I didn't mean to do it," I said trying to plead my case.

"What happened bear?" Fatima asked.

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