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Fatima's POV

I pulled up to Chick-fil-A and all the kids got out. Of course Aries was right up under me. The other boys were ready to eat and I wasn't mad at them. I get to the counter and I order their food. I spent $43 on food alone. They gave us our drinks and our number.

"Where do you wanna sit munchkins?" I asked them.

"Mommy I wanna go play." Aries said in a sweet voice.

"Once we find a place to sit Shyne." I told him.

"Momma, let's sit over here." Angel said pointing at a table that would fit all of us. We sat down and I put our number down. I'm glad I wasn't showing much because I have not announced to the public that we are expecting. I'm a known celebrity in public with her kids.

"Momma can we go play now?" Amir asked me.

"Yes take your brother with you and y'all be careful please." I told them.

"Okay momma, come on Aries." Amir said grabbing his brother hand and they went into the play area.

"Angel do you have any work that needs to be done?" I asked him.

"No ma'am but can you check my answers to see if they are right?" He asked me.

"Of course." I told him with a smile.

"Mommy, my body hurts." Halo told me. I reached in my purse and grabbed his pain meds.

"Take this with your drink." I told him as I handed him his medicine. Now that I think about it that play room could trigger one of Aries allergies. Just as I was about to get up the food was coming to the table.

"Bear, can you go get your brothers please?" I asked him and he nodded and went to get them. He walked past the table and took them to the bathroom. They came back and sat down.

"Look mommy my hands are clean." Aries said sitting beside me.

"I see Shyne." I said smiling.

"Mommy I need some barbecue sauce." Amir said.

"Okay I gotcha, y'all need some sauce?" I asked everyone.

"Ketchup and ranch." Angel said. I nodded and got up and went to the station.

"OH M G You are Fatima Taylor from Tyler Perry show Bending the Rules! I am a huge fan can I get a picture?" The random lady asked.

"Sure," I said. I got in position to take the picture making sure to hide my belly.

"Thank you so much" she said as she was walking away. I blew out a breath because her perfume was making me sick. I grabbed the barbecue sauce, ketchup and ranch for the kids. I brought it back to the table and the kids were looking at me.

"Are you okay mama?" Angel asked me.

"Yeah I'm okay." I said drinking my drink. I finished eating on my salad and the kids were waiting on me.

"Y'all ready?" I asked them.

"Yes," they said.

We got up and threw all our trash away before heading to the truck. We got in the truck and turned the air on, it was hot to me.

"Okay we have one more stop and I think y'all are going to like it." I told them.

"Where are we going?" Angel asked me.

"Sit back and enjoy the ride son." I said as I pulled out of Chick-fil-A's parking lot. I get into Atlanta traffic and sigh.

"What y'all want for Christmas? When we get home yall write yall list early." I told them.

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