
361 32 12

Fulton County
Taylor's Estate
September 21st,2024

6:45 a.m.

Halo's POV

My alarm wakes me up and I stretch and see daylight outside. I checked the date and was happy. My first football game today. I got up and woke Angel up and he was staring at me.

"Bro get up we got a football game to win today," I told him, going into the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth. I started washing my face and Angel came into the bathroom mean mugging me.

"Aye, boys yall up?" I heard our dad come into the room.

"Yes," I said hoping he heard me. He came into the bathroom and saw what we were doing.

"After the game y'all gone come and clean this bathroom up," He told us sternly.

"Yes sir," We said in unison. I left the bathroom and put on my fitted shirt and my compression tights with some shorts. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Which one you nasty lil boys in my kitchen looking?" I heard my mommy say.

"Mommy it's me, Halo," I said going to where she was at.

"OHHH MY SWEET BOY," She said running up to me hugging me.

"Y'all food on the table, find your cup and sit down by it don't eat just yet," She told. I nodded and sat down. Angel came in after me and sat beside me.

"Aries, come on son," I heard my dad say and he appeared in the dining room. We were waiting for Aries and Amir.

They finally came in and sat at the table.

" Fatima, why do you have that boy in long sleeves?" Zac asked Fatima.

"We are going to be in the grass, he starts breaking out because he will play with the other little kids. I also got him some football gloves just in case." Fatima told Zac

We started eating our food and it was good. I made sure not to eat too much. I mostly ate some pancakes and strawberries. I grabbed my football gear and waited by the door. Amir comes down the stairs with his gear on.

"Aries, what do you have on?" Amir asked Aries.

"Mommy said it's protective gear," He said. Amir just looked at him crazily.


Fatima's POV

We made it to the field and it was a whole bunch of little kids playing. I unlocked my truck and let the boys out. Their dad pulled beside me and I flashed him a smile. Basketball and football were my favorite sports.

I helped get the kids checked in before me and Aries went to the bleachers.

"Aries you wanna sit with mommy?" I asked him.

"I wanna go play." He told me. He pointed to the other kids and I let him go.

"Aries Shyne don't take them tights off or them gloves. And please don't get into some ants baby," I warned him.

"Okay Mommy," he said, kissing my cheek and running off.

It was Amir's game first so I was watching it. They couldn't catch my baby.

"YEAHHHH AMIRRRR YOU BETTER RUN," I yelled. My baby was fast, nobody was touching him. I have fully accepted being a boy mom. I even think the baby I'm having is a boy. Danni and Zac want a girl but I got a feeling I'm having a boy.

"TOUCHDOWN FEATHERSSS," the announcer announces.

I get up and start dancing. My baby team won. Danni comes back from the concession stand with some chips.

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