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Fulton County
Children's Hospital
September 21st,2024

Previously on Triangular Love...

"Family for Halo Taylor," He said walking in the waiting room.

"That's us," My wife said.

"And you are?" The doctor asked.

"I'm his mother," I said stepping in.

"Okay, Mrs. Taylor, your son had a punctured rib, when the other player's helmet came in contact with your son's rib it broke and punctured his lung. CPR was done properly but pushed it a little further into his lung." He explained.

"Is he okay?" I asked the doctor. The doctor hesitated before answering.


Fatima's POV

"Your son is fine. He is a little out of it still so he's still sleeping." The doctor said

I blew out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you Jesus" I said out loud. I hugged my husband because I don't know what I would do if my son didn't survive.

"He will have to stay in the hospital for a couple days. We want to monitor him post operation making sure he doesn't develop an infection." The doctor told me and husband and my wife. I wanted to cry and break down but now wasn't the time.

"Okay thank you doctor," my husband said. The doctor gave us his room number. We all went in there and the littles didn't understand.

"Mommy why isn't Halo talking?" Aires asked me.

"He's sleeping Shyne. We can talk to him when he wakes up he needs to rest." I told him.

"But mommy I want him to wake up," Aires's said with tears in his eyes. I hate seeing my baby crying.

"Airy you wanna come with me and MirMir to the gift shop to get Halo a gift for when he wakes up?" My wife asked Aires.

"NO," he shouted and started crying.

"Aires Shyne Taylor, you do not raise your voice at Momma. I understand that you want Halo to wake up but you have to be patient but what you will not do is disrespect your momma." I said sternly while bending down to his height.

"I'm sorry momma," he told her with tears in his eyes and his lip poked out. I gave him a hug and he cried into my neck.

It was upsetting me that he didn't really understand what was going on and all he knew was that his brother wasn't talking to him. They are like two peas in a pod. I looked over and Angel was quiet.

"Kree what are you thinking baby?" I asked him.

"Is he dead?" He asked me with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Aww Kree, no your brother isn't dead he's just sleeping. He's okay." I told him opening my arm so he can get a hug. He gave me a hug. My husband went with Danni and Amir to the gift shop.

"Mommy?" Aires said.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at the tube coming out the side of Halo's chest.

"It's a chest tube baby, it helps expand his lung." I told him and he nodded his head and laid his head back on my shoulder.

"Bear are you hungry?" I asked him as I rocked Aires sideways.

"Yeah." He told me. I peeled Aires back to see if he was sleep and he was.

"Do you think you can carry your brother for me?" I asked him.

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