Out of Character

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Kiryu had always been known as the stoic, unflappable Dragon of Dojima. But today, he found himself facing a most unexpected challenge: a war within himself.

The Pocket Circuit Center was bustling with activity on this fine Sunday. Kiryu excitedly customized his car in preparation for the upcoming race against a small group of local children. He hadn't participated in the sport in quite a long time, so this opportunity was a welcome reprieve from his often stressful day to day existence.

Confident in his abilities, Kiryu smiled softly and lined up his pocket car at the starting line, a determined glint in his eyes. The race began, and for a moment, it seemed like Kiryu was in complete control, his car rapidly and sturdily darting ahead of the competition.

But then disaster struck. With a sudden jolt, Kiryu's pocket car veered off the track, tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust. He watched in dismay as the other racers cheered as they quickly sped past him, leaving him in dead last place.

Suddenly, something snapped within him. Kiryu's mask of composure slipped. He furiously clenched his fists as a surge of frustration welled up inside him. And then, in an utterly out-of-character moment, Kiryu threw a tantrum.

He began screaming and crying, his booming voice echoing through the pocket circuit track. Both the kids and other patrons looked on in shock, sneaking confused glances back at each other, unsure of how to react to the sight of a grown man having a meltdown over losing a pocket car race.

But as quickly as it had started, Kiryu's outburst subsided. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. He knew he had screwed up by allowing his stoic facade to crumble and his negative emotions to shine through in the most embarrassing way possible.

Bowing and apologizing to the concerned customers for his inappropriate outburst, Kiryu promised to be more conscious of his behavior and act a better sport next time. And with that, he hastily left the pocket circuit center, feeling utterly humiliated and defeated. It turns out that even the legendary Dragon of Dojima has trouble maintaining composure sometimes.

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