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Ben woke up as the sunlight shined through the his bedroom window. He was truly tired from his travels yesterday and he just wanted to sleep. But his grumbling stomach wasn't having it so he got up. He needed to go get some groceries but he was going to go have breakfast with his dad first.

He looked out his bedroom window to other house and wondered why the neighbors abandoned it. He was thinking of all that he could do to restore the whole neighborhood. It was still a good neighborhood it just needed work. Ben thought for a moment he saw a figure pass by the window but just thought he still needed some rest.

Miranda walked out of the bedroom, through the living room and into the kitchen to make a  sandwich. Mittens was following right behind her so she could eat too. Miranda heard the man next door and she rushed to the living room window to see what he was doing. He quickly got in his car and drove off.

Miranda figured this was the perfect time for her to get dressed and go out collecting her cans and anything else that she could  sell so she would have more money. It was Thursday so she could get a good meal at the soup kitchen.

Ben went and met his dad at a breakfast spot he suggested. When Ben saw his dad he hurried over and James stood up to embrace his son.

"Ohhhh my son, my boy it's so good to see you and to hug you."

"I know dad, I feel the same way."

"I'm happy that you decided to come back home."

"Yeah, I missed you and I wanted to be close."

"How do you feel about the house?"

"It's good dad but I'm going to do some upgrades and renovating. I honestly want to revive the whole neighborhood. I did see the part that property buyers are taking over as I drove here today. But maybe I can do something about protecting our part of the neighborhood."

"That's a great idea son but it will be a lot of work and you're about to start a new job."

"It's okay dad, I'm an attending anesthesiologist who is single so I have nothing but time and money on my hands," Ben said smiling which made James laugh.

"Speaking of single and I don't mean to be that pushy parent but I'm not getting any younger and neither are you. I would like to be a granddad sometime soon."

"Well dad I want to become a parent someday, I just haven't met the right woman."

"I will be praying for you and this future woman when I go to church," James said and Ben just shook his head.

An hour after having breakfast with his dad Ben came back home with groceries and some house supplies. He put away his groceries and decided to go back outside to look at the front and backyard. There was so much he wanted to do to make the house his own but he didn't know where to start. The holidays were coming and even if he was working on the inside he wanted to decorate the outside.

As Ben walked around the yard a black and white cat came from the backyard of the abandoned house. "Hi kitty kitty," Ben said and the cat came and rubbed herself up against his leg.

"Awww, you are so sweet," he said pick her up.

"You need a bath. Are you hungry?" Ben talked to the cat.

Miranda spent a few hours collecting cans and figuring out what else she could sell. When she was done she went to the soup kitchen. Miranda stood in line waiting for the doors to open when the older man that she saw every week walked up to her. She took to him because he reminded her of a mentor she once had.

"Hey Miranda," Dexter said.

"Hey Mr. Dexter, how has your week been?"

"It's been okay. I haven't been able to get much this week. I guess I need to change the spot I ask for change in."

Miranda looked around and when she saw that no one was paying attention she reached in her pocket and gave him $5.

"Oh no Miranda I couldn't, I know how hard you work to get it."

"It's okay Mr. Dexter, I had a really good week and I have all that I need so take it," Miranda said shoving it into his hand.

They finally opened the soup kitchen and once they got their plate they stay down to eat.

"So have you tired reaching out to your parents or his family?"

"No, have you reached out to your daughters?"

"No, alright then let's leave it at that," Miranda said.

"It's not the same, I did so many things that cause me to lose my girls trust. You just checked out and you didn't have to."

"Alright Dexter, you won't be getting anything for Christmas if you keep sticking your nose in my business," Miranda said.

"I'm just say Miranda, you have family that loves you if you would go to them."

Miranda left the soup kitchen and she pushed the cart full of her cans and bottles to her abandoned house. She looked down the road first to see if that man's car was there before she pushed the cart behind the house.  Miranda hurried in the house and wrapped herself in her blanket to warm up.

Ben came back home from doing more shopping for the house. When he put everything away he walked out onto the deck in the backyard. The fire pit his dad built years ago was still there but needed some work like everything else. Ben looked over into the other yard and did a double take seeing a shopping cart full of cans and bottles. He was sure that it wasn't there before. There must be someone staying in the abandoned house he thought to himself.

When Miranda felt somewhat warm she got up and went into the bathroom bringing one of the battery operated lights with her. She took out all of her toiletries and washed up using some of the drinking water she bought.

Ben was in his room changing so that he would be ready for bed when he saw a light shining from the window of the other house. He was right, someone was in there. The light lowered to the floor and stayed on. Ben didn't know if it was a man or a woman so he wasn't sure how to feel. But at least he knew he had a neighbor and maybe he could get to know him or her and help them out.

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