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Two months later.

Miranda walked to the backyard where her momma was gardening and she began helping her repot her flowers. Elena loved these moments with her daughter especially after not having them for such a long time.

"Mandy I can tell something is on your mind so....what is it?"

Miranda gave her mom a shy smile. "Oh my gosh, did you two have sex and now you're pregnant?"

"No momma, we haven't had sex yet. I want to go back to Seattle and get my life back that I started there."

"Oh.....I honestly would've preferred that you were pregnant."


"What! I would like to be a grandma sooner than later. I understand you may feel like you need to prove to yourself that you can do it. But you don't have to prove anything."

"I know momma but I've always wanted to be a surgeon and I still do. Ben helped me to see that. And I —I miss being there with him."

"He is a really good man so I understand why you want to go be with him. Everyone doesn't get to find love like that twice. I just ask that you have to talk to me and your dad everyday," Elena said chuckling."

Miranda chuckled as well, "agreed," she replied.

One month later....

Miranda made it back to Seattle and she smiled as she walked through the airport to go rent a car. She was excited and nervous because she didn't tell Ben that she was coming back. She wanted to surprise him after three months of being on the phone. The sexual tension was growing strong so she hoped they could consummate their relationship soon.

During this trip she was going to visit the chief of surgery at Seattle Grace and see what she needed to do to join the residency again. It was almost evening so she needed to get to the hospital then over to Ben house to surprise him. She knew that Ben would be glad for her to live with him but part of her thought about going to look for apartments.

Miranda got her rental car and drove through Seattle reminiscing. She remembered when she first arrived and how excited she was to be there and become a surgeon. She thought about the things she and Tucker did together. And she thought about the past few years being apart of Seattle's homeless population. She drove until she finally made it to her first stop, Seattle Grace. She stood outside the front of the hospital just staring and thinking about the past.

She thought about the way she just walked out of the hospital after having a breakdown in the surgery of a gunshot victim. Chief Webber had her in there because he thought that she needed tough love and a push to get back in the O.R after her own incident. She blamed herself for him believing that. She always put on this persona of being tough and unfazed. But after what she went through she couldn't keep up that persona anymore. She was too broken to pretend anymore.

Miranda made her way into the hospital. Miranda felt immediate nostalgia when she looked around. She remembered her first few months and how despite her resident treating her badly, she was a star intern.

Miranda made it to the surgical floor and walked around. As she stopped and looked at the O.R board someone came and stood beside her.

"Hey....I remember you, we were interns together. I'm a Callie Torres, the tall Latina said.

"Yes, I'm Miranda Bailey. I'm actually looking for chief Webber," Miranda spoke.

"Oh, I think he just went to his office."

"Okay, thank you," Miranda said as she walked off.

"Nice seeing you again," Callie said.

Miranda made it to the walk way and could see Dr. Webber in his office going over documents. She suddenly felt nervous and her heart began to race with anxiousness. She stood to his door a moment before finally knocking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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