Ch. 4

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Ben and Miranda had created a routine of speaking whenever he was headed to work. This made him want to get to know her and understand why she was like this. Ben noticed at night that she had lights on in her bedroom. He assumed they were battery operated so he got online to order her some nicer ones and he went ahead and ordered the bed he wanted for his bedroom.

Thanksgiving was in a few days and his brother was coming into town. Ben was excited because his family would be together for the first time in months. They were going to have dinner here at the house so Ben needed to go grocery shopping. He thought about the lady as he often did because she just seemed different and special.

Miranda hadn't been going out and collecting cans like usual. The man next door bought her enough things that she didn't have to worry for a couple of weeks. She laid on her palette and read the books she was able to get from the library. She was reading her books but she thought about her neighbor, they never exchanged their names. Miranda was in the kitchen making something to eat for her and mittens when she heard a knock on the back door. She opened it and smiled seeing the man with take out in his hand.

"Hi," Miranda said softly.

"Hey ummm I realized I didn't get your name last week and I wanted to see if you wanted to share my dinner with me."

Miranda was hesitant for a moment. "If you want I can start a fire in my fire pit and we can eat outside," Ben suggested and she agreed.

Ben went to start a fire and Miranda ran to her bathroom and looked at herself. The excitement she felt faded when she pulled her hat off, looked at herself and realized her hair wasn't done. And it hadn't been in a long time. Her hair use to be straight with curls all the time and now it was a combination of natural and processed hair. She smoothed it down the best she could and put her hat back on.

She walked outside and over to the man's house. He had already started the fire and brought plates to the table on the plato. He looked up at her and smiled. This was absolutely crazy she thought. Why was this man being so nice to her? What did he want?

"Hey, have a seat. What do you like to drink? I have water, juice, a few sprites."

"I'll take a sprite," she said softly.

Ben brought their drinks out and sat down across from her. He began to plate the food and glance up at her. Once he was done he placed the food in front of her.

"Okay, let's start with what our names are. I'm Dr. Benjamin Warren."

Miranda waited for a moment, "my name is Miranda....Bailey."

"Nice to officially meet you Miranda....Bailey," Ben said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too."

"What was your last surgery?" Miranda asked.

"I was in an appendectomy it's a—

"Removal of an inflamed appendix which is called appendicitis. Was it a clean tie off or did it rupture?"

Ben was surprised, usually he had to explain everything. "It did rupture when the surgeon began to tie it off."

"How many times did they have to wash out the abdomen?"

"It was about four times," Ben replied slowly from being intrigued.

"How do you know some of the steps for an appendectomy?"

Miranda looked up at him but took a sip of her drink. "Ummmm I've done a few before," she answered.

Ben's eyes became wide but he didn't respond for a moment. "So you're a surgeon?" He questioned.

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