Ch. 7

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Miranda had just turned in some more cans yesterday and she was proud. With Ben always buying most her food and other necessities she'd been able to save her money. She had over $150 and it was a few days before Christmas. She really wanted to buy Ben a Christmas gift but she wasn't sure of what to get him.

He deserved so much just from all that he'd done for her in such a short time but she knew he would be grateful with whatever she had to give. She decided to get dressed in one of the nice outfits Ben bought so she could catch the bus to the mall. She sat and waited for the bus when Dexter came and sat beside her.

"Miranda! I've been wondering about you. I haven't seen you at the soup kitchen in awhile."

"I know, it's good to see you Dexter. I have been managing and a friend has been really nice by helping me out and giving me food."

"Well that's really sweet of them. And you look really nice."

"Thank you, he got me these clothes too."

"He? Someone you just met is giving you all these things? Are you sure he isn't one of these pimps that try to take advantage of women on the street?"

Miranda chuckled, "I'm sure he's not. He is a doctor and he wants to restore the neighborhood that I'm staying in because he grew up there and moved back into his childhood home. I don't know how I got so blessed to meet him but I thankful."

"Well as long as he is genuine I'm glad you have someone in your corner. And it's nice to see you look like this."

"Thank you, I feel better," Miranda said rubbing her hands across the thick, wool coat.

Miranda got on the bus when it came and she enjoyed the ride today. Maybe because she knew she was going Christmas shopping even though it was just one gift.

She made it to the mall and there were people everywhere. She suddenly remembered why she never liked shopping even though she still would frequently. Tucker used to like to look nice. Miranda made it to the store she had in mind. She rubbed her hand across a blue sweater and she felt sadness come over her.

She thought about her husband almost everyday but to a certain extent she'd become hardened. But today she didn't feel that way and her emotions flowed through her. She took a deep breath to keep from crying.

Miranda kept looking and she saw a gold watch with a bracelet to go with it. She just stared at it for awhile until a sales associate walked over to her.

"Hey, can I help you with something?"

"Ummm how much is that watch and bracelet?

"It was $120 but is now on sale for $95. And it has a spot where you can put a picture."

Miranda thought about fact that she had $180. "It will be perfect," Miranda said smiling.

Miranda left the mall and started walking to the bus stop. It began to snow and Miranda knew that the sky looked snowy earlier in the day. It was cold outside but it became almost frigid as she pulled her coat around her body some more.

An hour later she made it to the house and she quickly put on some more socks and wrapped up in the comforter and blanket on her bed. She hoped that Ben didn't have a long day so maybe she could go over to his house and get warm.

Ben stood in a small hook on the O.R floor staring out the window. Snow was falling hard because there was a forecast for a winter storm just a few days before Christmas. That meant he had to stay at the hospital on call so that there would be enough anesthesiologist available.

But he worried because with him not going home he couldn't check on Miranda. She was so stubborn about making the abandoned house her home. Now she might freeze with temperatures steadily dropping every few minutes. He silently prayed that she would be okay.

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