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Miranda stood in the middle of the airport feeling overwhelmed. It had been years since she was on an airplane. She looked down when she felt her cellphone that Ben bought her buzz.

It was a text from him, "I miss you already, wish I could be there. Let me know when your plane lands."

Miranda sighed deeply wishing he could've been there too but he had early morning surgeries today. Being in the airport was giving her some anxiety and she could use his comfort and support. As much as she wanted to see her parents, the thought of being away from him for a long time was causing her heart to race.

Miranda found her terminal and got in line to board the plane. Once she was on the plane she found her seat and hurried to fall asleep because she never really liked planes. Miranda woke up when she heard the pilot announce that the flight was over. She took her cellphone off of airplane mode. She smiled when she saw that her mom sent a text saying they were waiting for her.

Miranda walked through the crowd feeling nervous at the thought of seeing her parents for the first time in four years. As she was trying to organize her feelings she saw her dad. He quickly spotted her as well to which he pointed her out to his wife. Elena hurried over to her and threw her body into Miranda. William quickly followed and hugged the both of them. Miranda's emotions surfaced and she began to cry in her parent's arms.

Elena broke their hug and wiped Miranda's tears. "Okay, let's get you home and feed you because I made all of your favorites. I know you have to be tired and hungry."

"And I made your room up," William said proudly.

"Dad you did what?" Miranda giggled.

"Hey, I can be helpful," he said taking her luggage for her.

Ben got finished with his shift and looked at his phone. Miranda was supposed to let him know when she made it safely. He wanted to text her but he didn't want to bug her. She probably just got caught up in her reunion with her parents.

"Hey Miranda! Just wanted to check on you. I hope you're having a good time reconnecting with your parents," Ben sent a text.

Miranda laid in the bedroom she grew up in staring at all the accomplishments she achieved when she was younger. It reminded her of all that she wanted to be and what she could achieve. She looked over at the nightstand when her phone buzzed. She picked it up and smiled seeing that Ben had texted her.

"Sorry Ben, I did get caught up with reconnecting with my parents. Can we talk? I want to hear about your surgeries."

Ben and Miranda texted and talked everyday, several times a day for weeks. The video chatting helped when they wanted to see each other but it didn't take away from the ache of missing each other.

Miranda eventually found a job at the hospital working as a CNA like she did before medical school. Ben sent her a congratulatory gift for getting her first job in a few years. They still hadn't discussed what their relationship was.

She loved going to work even though her job wasn't as challenging as being a surgeon. She was happy to be back in the hospital setting and getting to connect with patients. Sometimes she found herself overstepping by asking patients questions about their symptoms, conversing with nurses about treatment and care. She even checked a doctor that carelessly tired to misdiagnose a patient. When she got home that night she couldn't wait to call Ben and tell him what had happened.

"Miranda you did WHAT?!" Ben said laughing.

"He was being an asshole, he had horrible bedside manner and he wasn't paying attention to the patient's symptoms. When I was a resident just the slightest difference in the symptoms told me what was wrong with my patient."

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