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Ben was excited for today. He was going to see if Miranda would spend the day with him. The holiday season was starting and he wanted them to decorate for Christmas.

Miranda found some medical books at the Library and she wanted to start refreshing her knowledge. She couldn't wait for Ben to find out she was starting to have some interest in medicine again.

Miranda was sitting on her bed wrapped in the blanket that Ben gave her reading through the medical book when she heard a knock at the back door. She smiled as she got up to answer it.

"I have a surprise day for us so come get dressed," Ben said.

"That's not how you ask, I'm in here doing something," Miranda said with her hand on her hip.

Ben looked away with a smirk. "Miranda if you're not busy will you come enjoy the day I have planned with me?"

"Okay, let me just get my stuff," Miranda replied.

Ben was nice to let her come use his bathroom to shower and get dressed. She appreciated it so much especially since the other house was always cold. Once she was done she walked out into the living room and Ben was waiting.

"You look nice. Come on let's go," Ben said.

"Okay," Miranda said softly with a grin on her face.

They rode an hour into a small town outside of Seattle. The whole time they talked and listened to Christmas songs that played on the radio. When they made it Miranda stared in awe at the little town that looked exactly like a small town out of a Christmas Hallmark movie.

"Ben how did you find this place?" Miranda asked.

"They've done Christmas festivals here since I was a kid. We use to come as a family but when mom passed away we stopped."

Ben rode until they found a parking spot and he jumped out the car and ran to the other side. Miranda was already opening her car door. Miranda looked up at Ben confused when he was standing there giving her a stern expression.

"I was coming to open your door. From now on I open the door for you."

Miranda chuckled, "okay."

"Come on, the festival is this way."

There were people everywhere and everyone looked so happy and friendly. As they walked past a coffee and hot chocolate stand an older woman offered them a drink.

"You want some?" Ben asked and Miranda nodded her head.

Ben paid for the hot chocolate and they continued to walk around. There was a candy shop station. A station filled with Christmas decorations selling vintage Christmas decor.

Miranda stopped and looked at the station beside it. They were selling black angels. Miranda stared at the beautiful angel dressed in all white with her wings sparkling.

"You want it?" Ben asked.

"I don't have a tree to put her on."

"She can go on the tree that we pick out later," Ben said and the lady began wrapping the angel up.

There was an ice skating rink and Ben was leading her towards it. "Oh Ben I've never—

"Really? It's not too hard, I can hold your hand and teach you."

Miranda just stared at him and blew out her breath as he got them skates. Miranda stared down at the skates and ice under her feet.

"Miranda look up at me. I got you, slowly move your feet forward and find a slow glide. One in front of the other but at a slight angle like this," Ben showed her.

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