Part 7/Page 7

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This is a longer page than the other ones guys I couldn't decide where to cut it. 

Daisy Moretti (POV) Age 15

I wake with a pounding headache my vision is blurry my memories from yesterday come flooding through my head. Where am I? How did I get here? Where is Zeke? Is he ok? I have so many questions "Hey Daisy are you ok?" it's Zeke. I turn to look at him he's sitting down holding me. As my vision starts to clear I look around I am lying down on Zeke's lap he's holding my head and looking straight at me with his hazel eyes he looks like he has been awake for hours or maybe he wasn't drugged. "Where are we?" I ask hoping that he knows. "I don't know, the room is dark with concrete walls, I've already had a look around, there is a heavy metal door just in front of us that is the only way out. No windows or anything either." We continue to talk for a while I pause. he is looking at me so invested in what we were talking about not taking his eyes off me. look up at him and pull him closer to me I don't think that the drugs have worn off completely yet or I would have never even tried anything like this. I look at his eyes then to his lips he does the same. He reaches his hand behind my neck and turns me towards him more before leaning in and kissing me. It was short. but it felt longer than it was he opens his eyes and says "Sorry" looking sort of embarrassed. This time I pull him in and kiss him only this time he pushes into me desperate, and the kiss lasts forever neither of us wants to break it we look at each other for a few seconds before we both realize how bad this could end up but we didn't care. We kiss a few more times like this each kiss getting more passionate each time.

My headache hasn't worn off completely yet, I lay my head in his lap and drift off to sleep again feeling completely safe. When I wake again Zeke looks at me "Nice sleep?" he asks smiling down at me. "yes" I manage to say with a raspy voice. My throat is dry, and I am thirsty. I decide to get off Zeke's lap and do a walk around myself at first it is hard to stand but I slowly gather the strength to walk properly. 

I now understand what Zeke meant by a heavy metal door, that thing is pretty sturdy. I tried banging on it but that did nothing. I walked around for about ten more minutes, Zeke watching me carefully. I finally came and sat down next to Zeke, and I lay my head in his shoulder we sit there like this for a while before we hear the locks on the door unbolting. Nico walks in I know this now because Zeke told me earlier. He walks towards us and stops about two meters from us and I'm surprised because he is alone and has no weapons? that I can see at least. He looks between me and Zeke studying us I don't know what he is thinking but I hope he buys the whole boyfriend thing considering Zeke is holding me close in a hug and I have my head rested on his shoulder still. "Ok I will make you a deal" Nico said looking at Zeke. "You are going to let me take your girlfriend here and ask her some questions if she answers them honestly and does what she is told then I will return her unharmed and you guys can be free, happily ever after. right?" "Or... you will be stupid and try to stop me then I will have to sedate you again and I will take her and maybe return her eventually when I'm satisfied." "Your choice, understand.... So, what's it going to be?"

"And what if I don't want to go?" I ask, "oh sweetie you will come voluntarily or forced the choice is yours". I'm thinking if I go, I will find out what he wants and Zeke will be safe so I get up and put my hands up in surrender and take small steps towards him wondering if this is a mistake. I turn and see Zeke processing like he is adding up the pros and cons. He looks like he is about to say something, but I say it first just one word. "don't" I try to make it sound like an order, but it comes out more like a plead. God Zeke, please don't do anything stupid. I turn to look at Nico he puts out a hand I just stand there looking at it before slowly taking it. He slowly starts walking towards the door with me following. I hear Zeke get up and start following too not to close because he doesn't want to seem a threat to Nico not just yet. Nico lets go of my hand to knock on the door two taps a pause and another two taps, I'll keep that in mind for later. He opens the door walks through then turns to face me asking me to come willingly. I take one last look at Zeke his eyes pleading me not to go. Before I turn around and follow Nico through the door Nico shuts the door loudly, so I am no longer able to go to Zeke. What have I done I should have stalled longer.

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