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Daisy Moretti (POV) Age 15

It has been two weeks since I have seen Zeke, I hope that he is ok.

Working for Nico is actually easier than working for Antonio because he is younger, and he understands more things, and I don't really have to do much but when I do it is usually the fun stuff. The only thing is that I can't mention anything about Zeke which is hard because I want to know where he is and if he is ok. My thoughts get interrupted by Nico walking through the door with Zeke behind him. "Since she has agreed to work for me, and she has been trustworthy and a good worker you can see her now if that will make you shut the fuck up." Nico is saying to Zeke. I get up, mindful not to look too excited about seeing Zeke, and walk over to them. "Are you ok?" Zeke grabs me in his arms and pulls me into a short hug before pushing me back and looking me over for bruises or anything. "Yes, I'm fine," I say faking a smile. He looks at me intently "Did he hurt you?". "no- "I try to reassure him. "Because if he hurt you in any way I will-". "He didn't, I'm fine, it's fine" I blurt out a bit too quickly. "Tell me what happened while I wasn't with you," he says sort of demanding, "anything interesting or exciting that I should know about, no panic attacks?" he emphasizes on panic attacks.

I take a quick glance over at Nico standing next to Zeke he is looking straight at me waiting for me to answer I look back at Zeke before he notices. "I am working for Nico now and I have done some really fun missions and it is so much better than working for backstabbing Antonio- oh yeah by the way I have so much to tell you about that too- anyway how have you been?" I try to sound so convincing and happy. "You told her!" he turns to Nico "What the fuck man we had a deal" he continues to yell at Nico. "Zeke stop" I call towards him. He doesn't hear me he gets closer to Nico who is completely unfazed and bored they start arguing it gets louder. "Zeke stop!" I yell and grab Zeke's shoulder facing him towards me "please". I try to hide the quiver in my voice I can't have a panic attack now not a chance, even though Nico has been helping me through them if I have one now Zeke won't let him near me. Zeke makes him sound like a dangerous villain, but he is not he is just misjudged. After a few minutes of silent death stares "No panic attacks recently" Zeke breaks the silence. "no why" I reply not wanting to lie to him but also not wanting to take it the wrong way and overreact. He looks at Antonio and I take the chance to look at him too. He looks unfazed by the whole situation. "Anyway, before Zeke barged in hear yelling I was supposed to be talking to you about your mission report for Domenic celantro" Nico says. Zeke looks from me back to Nico. "You have her working on Domenic celantro?" he yells at Nico once again. I step back slowly and melt down into the corner and hug my legs up to my chest and slowly rock back and forth staring at the ground holding back tears that threaten to release. Nico sees me "Now look what you've done Zeke" Nico slowly walks over to me. "You can't be near her, get out Nico!" he screams at Nico, lunging at him to try to pull him away. "No, you leave Zeke!" I scream the tears free falling now. he stops yelling "what- daisy". "leave" I say through the tears. He looks at Nico "this is all your fault" he says to Nico through gritted teeth. "She said leave Zeke" Nico replies completely calm. He bends down next to me "sorrysorrysorrysorry" he sits down and holds me in his arms. "it's ok, you don't need to be sorry- daisy look at me". I move my head to the side and keep looking down he grabs my chin gently and faces me up to him. "You lied to Zeke about your panic attacks, why?". "Because of that, he will just overreact," I say. I imagining what Nico is looking at staring down at my tear-streaked face. "Pathetic, right I kill people for a living, I'm a fucking mafia princess the heir to the second most dangerous mafia group in the world and yet I have frequent panic attacks over nothing." I try to hold back my tears again. "it's not nothing and you're not pathetic you have been through some traumatic stuff it is ok to feel like this, you can trust me I'm trying to help you daisy- you could be unstoppable, just imagine," Nico says. With Nico saying this it is a little more reassuring "Stop trying to be a therapist" I sniff. "I'm a great therapist don't you agree?" he jokes, making me laugh, "see- ain't nobody tell me I'm a bad therapist". We giggle the worries of Zeke, and the yelling are washed away. What am I still doing here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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