Untitled Part 8!!!

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Zeke luca Salvador (POV) Age 18

I'm awake but I'm not where I thought I would be I'm tied to a chair in a small bedroom it has a queen bed next to a dresser and two doors on the other side of the room, guessing it is a bathroom and wardrobe. "Come on Zeke we talked about this" Nico says. I thought it was Antonio getting angry about me and Daisy but no its fucking Nico. "I don't know what you're referring to man we talked about a lot of things." I reply not really catching what I did wrong this time. "you're working with him". "who "I ask confused. "Antonio you're working with fucking Antonio luca Salvador, and you kept the girl a secret are you trying to hide her from me?" he said razing his voice and walking closer to where I am tied up to. "no shit you wanted the girl and I had to join his mafia to find out where she was he hides and protects her very well also in case you haven't done your research before recruiting me you would know that my name is Zeke luca Salvador, Antonio luca Salvador's son the underboss of his mafia and the next in line to his mafia and I'm only working for you because I hate Antonio." He stands there for a moment before giving me a knife. I look at him and cut the ropes. "Follow me" he says I get up and follow him through a series of corridors and secret rooms before we come across a big metal door. "I want her she's mine not yours understand" he says very sternly before opening the door and pushing me in I can't see much it is all very dark as my eyes adjust to the darkness I look around and see someone laying on the floor as I get closer, I realise it daisy I pick her head up and put it on my lap they must have given her extra shots of whatever we were given earlier. I sit there for about an hour and a half before Daisy finally wakes, she looks destressed "Hey Daisy, are you ok" She looks up and sees me holding her she looks up at me "Where are we?" she asks. I don't know what to say, she can't know about Nico not completely I might tell her his name and say we used to be friends or something I decide on just saying "I don't know, the room is dark with concrete walls, I've already had a look around, there is a heavy metal door just in front of us that is the only way out. No windows or anything either." She starts talking and I tell her a little story about Nico and I and how we were friends and all and she starts talking and I don't even know what she is talking about anymore I'm just pretending to listen I'm just looking down at her I never imagined that id ever be this close to her. She stopped talking I just continue looking at her. She pulls me closer to her, then I look at her lips and back at her eyes I want to, but I know I can't. I know what Nico said that she is his and all but I just can't stop myself. I reach my hand behind her neck and lean her towards me before leaning in and kissing her she tastes like strawberries and peaches I want more but instead I pull back. "sorry" Well that was embarrassing. She looks at me for a moment before pulling me in again and kissing me. Guess this wasn't a mistake after all. I push into her I don't want it to end. It ends everything does we look at each other for a few seconds before I realise what I just did Nico wants her and I might have just fucked that up and Antonio would kill me if he knew that I was getting in with daisy the only person that he forbids anyone going near. I fucked up.

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