Chapter 20

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"Pappa!" Aarush runs into the room that makes Arnav and Khushi step back.

"Yes Aarush?" Arnav asked with a smile.

"Can we order a cake? I want to celebrate because we are together." Aarush said with a smile.

"Sure." Arnav smiled and did the order for him. "It will reach in 15 minutes."

"Lets make wishes," Aarush said as they were ready to cut the cake in the dining area.

"I just want my family to stay happy," Arnav wished.

It's fine if I get all the sorrow and pain, but I want my family to stay together," Khushi wished.

"I want to stay together with my mamma and pappa. A happy family," Aarush cut the cake.

Arnav and Khushi bend down to kiss him.

"Now you kiss each other," Aarush says and gets busy in munching his cake.

"Now our son has also said it. Come on, complete the dare," Arnav whispered.

"The challenge was already accepted," Khushi said and glared at him.

"Kiss me then."

Khushi's heart started beating rapidly. She moved forward, he had kissed him before, but it was difficult than she thought it would be.

"Close you eyes." she ordered.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I said closed your eyes."

Khushi has kissed him before, but it was out of anger, she had forgotten how to kiss him with love.

Arnav closed his eyes as he smirked. He couldn't believe that she was shy to kiss him. After all, she was the mother of his child.

He opened his eyes and turned his face only to find her approaching as slow as ever. He just pulled her with a jerk. And her lips which were supposed to aim his cheeks landed on his lips. That was it. What was supposed to be a peck from her side slowly turned wet and in no time they started nibbling her lips. Both were careful enough to not get engrossed too much into the kiss. They parted unwillingly in few seconds as they heard Aarush mumbling how tasty the cake was.

Khushi looked at Arnav who was smirking his best, and Aarush busy gulping the cake. She left the room and Arnav followed her.

“Khushi wait!”

“Don’t you dare, Arnav!” she yelled as she stopped. “Don’t touch me. You have already kissed me without my consent.”

“That didn’t felt like it was against your consent! And how can you accuse me like this, you know I would never do anything that you don’t like.”

“I don’t have time to argue with you, I am busier than you think,” she said and walked towards the door. “one more thing, if you tried to play these cheap tricks again, I’ll return back to India with Aarush.”


Arnav felt broken, he had lost Khushi once, he could never let her go again. And Aarush he had filled the void in his life. He could never let him go. He would not let his wife and son go anywhere.

He realised, the only thing he can do now is repentance. He would win his love back. He would bring Khushi back in his life.

He tried his best in reconciliation with Khushi but she kept saying that she needs time. But Arnav didn't back out. He would try to make her every day special. He would wish her a good morning and goodnight without forgetting, daily.

Somewhere he knew, she appreciated his efforts.

As much as she tried, Khushi couldn't deny the love that was overpowering her anger on Arnav. The little things he did, made her heart flutter. She couldn't believe that he still has that effect on her.

Khushi's phone rang again. She checked the caller ID, it was an unknown number. She hesitantly picked up the phone.

"Hello? Hello, Is this Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada?"

Khushi jerked herself from the trance.

"Yes." She said timorously. "This is Khushi."

She could not bring herself to say, Raizada even if she still legally was. She was still Arnav's wife, she couldn't but physically emotionally and spiritually she had revolved back to Khushi Kumari Gupta.

"Ma’am, I am speaking from City Hospital. There was an accident and we found your number saved on the mobile as 'wife'.  Please be as quick as you can."

"I will be there in 20 minutes." She answered rushed out.

Khushi's heart gave up. Tears rolled down her eyes and Arnav's face started flashing in front of her eyes. She got into the car and raced to the hospital and saw some policemen.

"Mrs. Raizada? This way please," One of them said as soon as Khushi nodded.

She walked behind the inspector and reached the ICU and looked inside.

Her heart started beating wildly, her breathing quickened and perspiration started on her forehead and her hands sweated as she saw Arnav lying on the bed with an oxygen mask.


Hola guys! That's all for today. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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