Nice to Meet You

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"Alright Isabella welcome to your new home!" Sodapop yelled and Darry chuckled.
We pulled up to a small, run down home that looked cozy and lovely. It was a white house with a metal gate at the front, and it had a porch with some chairs outside. On the porch was a guy drinking beer, and he had a tattoo. I got out of the car and the boys told me that they would get my luggage. Darry and Soda grabbed all my belongings while Ponyboy walked me into the house.

"Hey Pons!" the boy with the tattoo shouted.

" Sup Steve!" Pony responed. "Steve, this is Isabella, Isabella, Steve."

"Hi nice to meet you!" I said reaching my hand out for him to shake.

"You're Isabella!?" he asked. I nodded and he took my arm brining me into a hug. He smiled so big that it revealed his teeth that had a huge gap in between. I giggled to myself at the sight, but it didnt matter because he seemed like a nice guy.

"Like the horse said, my names Steve! Welcome to the family and the gang!"

I was surprised that he welcomed me easily, and Steve was a very energetic person. I bet that him and Soda are bestfriends due to the similar personalities. He walked in with me and Pony, and I saw 2 more guys. One boy had tan, darker skin like me, and he had a notishable gash on his right cheek. He seemed startled when Steve burst through the door and holered loudly. The next boy had a mickey mouse shirt on and had a beer in his hand. His hair was slicked back, being held by numerous amounts of hair gel and grease.

"Hey guys, she's here!!!!!" Steve bounced around the room while shouting. Mickey mouse dude shot up and shook my hand.

"Names Keith Matthews! Never call me that, but you can call me Two-Bit!" he voiced proudly.

"Nice to meet you Keith!" I replied with a happy tone and a sly look. He glared at me for a minute but resumed to his energetic state again. I walked over the couch and sat next to the other boy.

"Hi my names Isabella!" I shook his hand and he stared at me. He had big, dark brown eyes, that held pain and sadness. He looked like a lost puppy, and I could tell he too was going through a difficulties in his life. Maybe his parents beat him too or something pressuring.

"H-hi Im Johnathan Cade. You can call me Johnny or Johnnycakes like the gang does. He seemed frightened of me, so I pulled him into a warm embrace. He was a little tense at first, but soonly relaxed in my arms.

"I like you Johnny cakes!" I said after we pulled apart. He smiled and I said, "Ima take care of ya kid!" He smiled even wider and blushed a little. I giggled and got up to put my luggages into my new room.

"You have Soda's old room now, and Soda will be crashing with Pony. I'm the room down the hall and the bathroom is right across your room." Darry said as he layed the bags on the bed.

"Thanks Darry!"

"No problem, kid. Get ready, we're going to the Dingo for some food!"


I dressed in a light brown skirt that was above my mid thigh by just a bit, with a navy blue long-sleeve, and my rectangle shaped sunglasses. I adddd some tiny braids in my hair and grabbed my brown boots. I headed out the door, we all sat in the truck, and headed to the Dingo. Little did I know that trouble was coming my way...

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