Beliefs/Holiday traditions

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"Say. Your technically me right?" Classic Noelle asked her Deltaverse counterpart. "In a way, I suppose." She admitted, folding her hands together.

She pondered on the question she meant to ask her DV counterpart. "Do you like Christmas as much as I?" She mused, a thoughtful look in her eyes glimmering with excitement. "I don't celebrate Christmas." She explained. "Classic me." The glimmer in her eyes diminished and hung her head low. "Why not?" She asked, lifting her head to glare into DV's eyes. "Christmas is the best time of the year!" She insisted.

A flicker of hurt crossed DV Noelle's face, clenching her fists. She told her classic counterpart. "I just... don't want to."

"But- it's... it's a time for-" classic started, before getting interrupted by her counterpart.

"It's not for me. Not anymore..." She turned away and strides towards her own room.

C.Noelles hooves clomp on on the pearl flooring, just barely reaching out to slightly graze on her doppelgängers sleeve. DV Noelle stopped halfway through the door, not bothering to glance at classic."W-we can celebrate together!" She announced, trying to persuade DV into celebrating the holiday.

"That's not the issue at hand, my mothers know I don't want to." Classic froze, she could only utter:"Is... is father not in your life anymore?"

DV stood silent, until it clicked in her counterparts brain. "Oh..." she said, her voice barely audible. "Then..." she hesitates "Is mother re-married?"

"That's something you have to figure out yourself, I'm not spoiling my entire sob backstory right now."

The door closed between them.

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