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New text message from Zayn

Zayn: hi baby how are you? Have you taken your medicine and vitamins?

Justin: I'm not a child I said I will take them so I will

Zayn: stfu you skip your adhd medicine sometimes

Justin: yes because I'm too tired to get the bottle but I do remember it

Justin: but now I've put all off them by my bread toaster so I will remember when I eat bread which you know I do often:) so it's all good baby, no need to worry. I want to have a conversation without you asking about that, it's been 1 week and all you do is talk about it.

Zayn: because I care about my boyfriends health because he is a fucking idiot

Zayn: you know I read about this anemia shit and you're low on iron because you never fucking eat anything other than white carbs!!!!!! Never have I seen you eat some fucking spinach or beans or anything that has a good nutritional value. Like the only thing you eat that has protein is when I cook for you and that's not even often!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justin: so many feelings today big boy

Zayn: FUCK OFF. beans, spinach, dried apricots, dark chocolate, peas, broccoli, lentils, quinoa

Zayn: they are high in iron you're gonna start eating more of that

Justin: I literally rather die than eat those things sounds disgusting. I can give dark chocolate a try but I really do like milk chocolate better. The other things are a nope.

Zayn: you're gonna eat it. You can't live out of bread and pasta I'm serious. Make a smoothie or something with spinach and and apricots.

Justin: god you're so freaking sexy I'm so horny rn

Zayn: im serious I don't find this amusing Justin

Justin: yes I will eat your food I promise thank you baby you really are the best. now please let us have some FaceTime sexy time before I need to go to work I miss your nippies

Zayn: I hate you but yes call me


New text message from Zayn:

Zayn: whats up baby? Miss u wanna call?

Justin: don't feel like speaking with you today

Zayn: what's wrong now?

Justin: nothing

Zayn: stop being fucking annoying and tell me

Justin: I want to stab you I hate you you are so mean I hate you I hate you I hate you. Why do you have to be like that I hate you it's so unfair I hate you

Zayn: still waiting on why you're mad

Justin: just fucked up that you go outside and have people stare at you everyday. And it's not like just one singular person stares EVERYONE STARES!!!! I know that even though I'm not there because you are actually the most handsome man to exist and it's just so mean of you to share that with anyone other than me. I wish for you to move here and never leave the apartment until it's dark and no one can see you

Zayn: okay you're actually psychotic

Justin: debatable

Zayn: nope, 100% confirmed

Justin: fuck you

Zayn: nah I rather fuck you

Justin: don't you dare use my slutty side against me!!!!

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