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@justinbieber: My best friend, my soulmate, my other half

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@justinbieber: My best friend, my soulmate, my other half. I really wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. I never thought anyone would ever want me exactly as I am, not wanting to change me at all. But you did, from the first second. I've never felt as accepted and loved as I do with you. You changed everything for me Mia. When I was 18, and thrown out of the place that was supposed to be my home, though it never truly felt like one, I was clinging to the last thread of hope, with nothing left to lose. I said goodbye to a life that had never really been lived, and I moved to USA. My soul was so drained, so worn out from the years of struggling in Canada. I was so tired of existing, of feeling like there was absolutely no point left. And right before I left, I made a vow to myself, I would give it a month. If I didn't find something, anything, or anyone to hold on to, I would simply leave this world behind. I was convinced that whatever was after this lifetime had to be better than the pain I was enduring. But then, two days before that one month was done, against all odds, I found you.

And since seven years back, you've been my lifeline. You took the pieces of me I was always told were broken and you make me feel like they're the best parts of me even when other people still find me weird and shameful. You always saw light where I had always seen darkness. You are the the most caring, loving and beautiful human there is. I know not everyone sees that because you're also psychotic but I know, and I have always known. I've always seen it Mia, I've always seen the truth of who you are. I have loved you from the moment I met you. And I will never stop loving you, never stop needing you. You're not just a part of my life, you're the very core of my existence. I would do everything for you Mia, I'd give up everything for you. Half a heart without you. Happy birthday, there is nothing I am more thankful for than your parents sexing it up on Valentine's Day 1997. <3


@zayn: 🥹🥹🥹🥹

@justinbieber: gayest emojis @zayn

@miastarling: I'm gonna fucking stab you you fucking whore stop making me cry I hate you

@willnotsmith: my babies 🥺❤️❤️

@susanstarling: my beautiful children ❤️❤️

@miastarling: God, I love you so much it hurts. Every time I think about how close we came to never finding each other, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can't even imagine that kind of world. It's like thinking about a version of me that just doesn't exist, because she doesn't. The real me only exists because of you. You took this crazy, chaotic, psychotic mess that I am and made me feel like I'm something worth holding on to. You look at me like I'm the most amazing thing you've ever seen???? Like what the fuck Justin. How did I get so fucking lucky to have you? How did someone like me, with all my edges and sharp corners, end up with someone who loves every damn piece of me?

@miastarling You're the best person is the world, and that really isn't me being biased. Everyone who has actually gotten to know you, have said the same thing. I have never ever heard a bad word being said about you from someone that knows you. And sometimes I get so mad about it. Because you are too kind, you have too much love. It shouldn't be possible but it is. You never see bad in anyone, even not in the people who should burn in fucking hell. And I both hate it and love it. No one will ever deserve you. Ever. Me either. I don't fucking deserve you, but you make me feel like I do. And that's the fucking magic of you. You piece of shit. I'd die for you Justin, in a heartbeat, without a second thought. I love you. More than anyone.

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