Bradford bad boy

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I wake up to the soft glow of morning light sneaking through the curtains of our hotel room. Zayn's still passed out beside me, his chest rising and falling in that steady rhythm that always calms me down. He looks so relaxed, peaceful even, and it makes my heart do that freaking fluttery thing, the same it did the first time we woke up together. I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up next to him.

I roll over carefully, not wanting to wake him, but I can't resist tracing a finger along his jawline, feeling the roughness of his beard. He stirs a little, a small smile tugging at his lips. It's crazy how someone so tough can look so soft in these quiet moments. Sometimes I think he would rather die than let people know soft and gentle he is with me.

After a few minutes, his eyes flutter open, and he blinks at me, that sleepy smile still in place.

"Morning love," he mumbles, his voice all gravelly and thick with sleep.

"Good morning pookie," I whisper back, leaning down to kiss him. His lips are warm, soft against mine. Our soft kisses quickly heat up, and before I know it, I'm getting hard. Per usual. Zayn can tell too, and his hand finds its way down, stroking me just right.

"Fuck, that's one way to wake up," he laughs once I've finished. "What time is it?"

"Yeah it was alright." I tease, I glance at the clock. "Just past eight. We should get up if we wanna explore the city baby, I'm so freaking excited."

"You're always in such a rush," he says, pulling me closer. "We've got all day baby, relax. Maybe you wanna repay the favor?" He asks, smoothly looking down towards his crotch.

"Nope!" I reply and quickly roll out of bed and walk towards the bathroom.

I try to push away the nervous energy buzzing in my head. This trip is my first time in Bradford, and I know how much this place means to him, it will always be his home. And that makes me nervous, like if I don't fit in here I don't fit in with him.

Zayn comes after me, hugs me from behind as I'm brushing my teeth. "I know that you're nervous baby, but there really is nothing to be nervous about."

"There is wars going on in the world Zayn, there is always stuff to worry about." I look at him firmly. "But also you said we might meet some of your friends later, right?"

"Yeah," he nods, his voice softening. "Just a few lads I grew up with. We'll grab some drinks, catch up. It'll be good, yeah?"

"Your accent gets so thick here, I barely understand a word you say, but it's so freaking sexy I wish I could somehow have sex with your voice," I smile.

Zayn laughs, the sound deep and genuine. "Yeah? Well, just wait until I'm a few pints in love. You won't understand a bloody thing."

I watch him get ready, totally mesmerized by how beautiful he is, it's still completely freaking surreal that this fine ass man is my fiancée. He catches me staring and smirks.

"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice low and teasing.

"I've seen better," I reply with a playful grin, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind and resting my head on his shoulder. He's warm and solid against me, and I feel some of the nervous energy start to ease away. "You are so biteable." I purr, leaning in to nibble on his neck, not too hard, but probably hard enough to leave a mark.

"Calm down, Edward Cullen," Zayn laughs, his body shaking slightly with the movement.

"What does that mean baby?" I ask, not having a clue if it's a good or bad thing.

Zayn chuckles, the sound vibrating through my chest. "I actually never stop getting shocked about how few movies you've seen. Twilight, baby. You know, like the most famous vampire movies."

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