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Location Unknown

Time and Date Unknown

I was awaken again to the sounds of people scurrying around the place I was in.

I knew for sure I was in the down stairs of some building, because I had a clear view of the stairs coming down here.

I've been getting beaten up even worse, and today I can tell isn't much better.

I saw the masked man once more, he a hunting knife and a blowtorch again.

All I could think about is Erica hopefully saving me.

But it's doubtful that's for sure.

The man appoarched me menacingly.

Like he does every day when I wake up, he takes the blow torch and heats up the knife to probably over 400 degrees Celsius.

But before he started, something interrupted us.

We could hear a bunch of running and pounding from upstairs.

Almost like there's a fight going on, but this didn't phase the evil masked man.

He looked around the downstairs and then continued heating up his knife.

He eventually got it to his desired temperature and start cutting me again.

Unlike all the other days.

I started screaming in agony, giving him the satisfaction.

But I couldn't hold it in anymore, the pain is getting unbearable.

He was making slices all down my back and chest.

They were dripping blood and then the hot knife was giving me severe burns.

He kept going for five minutes straight I almost passed out from pain.

My almost naked body, stained red from all my blood.

My whole body throbbing, and to make things even worse.

He kicked me right into my broken left leg.

I screamed even more in agony. I wanted to beat him up so bad.

He smiled at me cruelly, he said it was just for money.

He doesn't feel sorry at all.

I wanted to beat his face in.

Then he came for round two at my body with the scorching knife.

I screamed even louder than before.

But I could hear the fighting noises coming even closer, I screamed louder.

Hoping it was Erica or Cyrus or anyone to come help me.

As he was cutting me, Murray ran into the room looking scared and out of breathe.

"Gosh damnit Ripley! Your damn little friends are here!" He screamed at me.

I sighed of relief, which just made Murray even more angry.

He looked at the masked man "Bring him to the edge of death" Murray ordered.

I gulped. "Erica please come" Is what I thought.

I screamed "ERICAAA!!" As loud as I could.

Then Murray punched me right in the face.

My head recoiled back hitting hard on the metal gym bench I was bonded to.

My head throbbing even more. But I could hear footsteps getting closer.

But I could as hear Murray talking to someone in a microphone, like he was giving him orders to be ready.

I couldn't fully hear it because the blowtorch was too loud.

But the man continued the torture me, i continued to scream in pain.

Luckily for me, they came.

Erica put choloform around the masked man to make him collapse.

I couldn't even look at them, I was way too tired, I literally felt like I was gonna die.

My whole body throbbing, but then somebody hugged me.

I opened my eyes, to see Erica.

My vision was getting blurry but I could see her beauty from anywhere.

"Ben! Ben! Stay with me" Erica screamed in my face.

I was gonna try and answer, but she told me to just stay awake.

I saw the look of horror on Cyrus and Louis' faces when they walked in.

Catherine looked like she wanted to cry.

"Ben stay with me okay? Backup is on the way!" She screamed at me, tears rolling down her face.

"Do not step any closer!" Murray demanded from behind me.

I couldn't see I could just listen.

"Murray what are you gonna do to New York, it's over for you" Cyrus said.

"It may be over for me" He laughed like a crazy man.

"But I'm bringing people down with me " He then demanded I get turned around.

Erica listened and did so.

"Ben is gonna have to make a choice you see" He said with a grin.

He then flipped on a tv footage of a nuclear missle countdown from one minute, and my parents tied up at gunpoint.

I went as white as a ghost, and I saw everyone else in the room too.

He started laughing nonstop "See Ben, you made me realize, if I'm gonna go out, might as well get my revenge" He smiled huge.

"Please, Murray, stop" I squeaked out.

I was so dehydrated I couldn't even cry.

"Make your selection Benjamin Ripley" He demanded staring at me.

He continued on "Either save every world leader in the world at the United Nation Building, or save your two beloved parents".

I looked at the four of them next to me.

They nodded to me, they knew the choice just as much as me.

I couldn't say it.

But I have 15 seconds left to.

"Murray please, he's just a kid, your just a kid, stop this madness!" Catherine yelled at him, tears going down her eyes.

"Well I'm not going back to jail", he then pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at us.

"Make your selection Benjamin, or both of them die" He demanded evily.





"Save New York" I squeaked out.

Murray smiled huge at me, and pressed the button.

The missiles self destructed somewhere far away in the mountains.

Then I saw the most horrific thing I've ever seen.

I witnessed the murders of both my parents.

I heard them scream in pain, then lay lifelesss on the ground, holding each others hands.

I looked at the screen wide eyed, mouth wide open.

All of us did.

Except Louis, who pulled out his gun.

And shot Murray Hill.

Ending his run of terror.

This is a long chapter!

Lots of stuff unfolds here!

But this isn't the last chapter!

There is many more to come!

Until next time

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