Who's This?

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We were eating the already roasted meat, waiting for the rest to cook. The meat without seasoning was weird. Just meat, it was interesting.

"Hey, you don't know our names, right?" The freckled boy asks. I just nod my head, still chewing the unseasoned meat. "Well," He continued "My name's Ace," He points to the blonde with the top hat "That's Sabo," Then his finger points to Luffy (the kid with a straw hat) "And he's Luffy."

I swallow my food and Ace(?) questions with me again. "What's your name?" I knew this question was going to come up sooner or later. I might as well rip off the bandage as soon as possible...

"My name is Shigaraki Tenko. I ran away, but I have no family now, because..." I should just do it! But tears choke me up once more and just shout out the why. "I killed them! I'm a monster and murderer from my disgusting quirk!" My throat hurts, I will leave now... No one wants me here...

I stand up, handing my unfinished food to my right, Sabo - no - the blonde boy, we're not friends, he'll never let me call him as such. I turn to walk away but a hand catches my wrist. On my wrist... near my hand...

I snap my head to the person holding me and yank my arm away. Luffy... He was holding it...

"I don't know what this murderey thing is but it's probably bad, but why do you call yourself a morderury?" His face looks serious, "It's murderer." I corrected him.

He continues, "And you're not a monster, you're not big enough to chase us around?"

My family...

MY family.


"I killed my family, it's all my fault, I killed them and now have no one, and I'm all alone."

"But you're not? You're here with us, right Ace?" the black-haired boy clarifies. Ace nods "Yeah, you have us here, and what's a quirk?" All the boys tilt their heads in question at me.

Wait.... WHAT??!!

"How do you not know what a quirk is? Everyone has it!"

The blond-haired boy- no, uh... What was his name? Umm- Sabo! "Is it like how Ace is always so sleepy?" He inquired with me. I answered his guess, "No. It's a power most people have when they turn four."

All three of them now look at me quizzically, tilting their heads, trying to wrap their heads around the idea, and Luffy actually twisting his neck up into the air. Which was freaky in an interesting way.

"Like a mystery power!" Like a devil fruit!" both Ace and Luffy say at the same time, jabbing their fists into the sky, like they've just won first prize.

Ace turns to Luffy, he looks like a monster... "Mystery power?!" The brown eyed boy faced him as well. "Well duh! It's a mystery power! Y'know?" The freckled get even angrier, "Hell no! I don't get it at all!

Sabo comes in between them, "Don't fight right now! There are lots of predators probably waking up because of how loud you two are! So, keep quiet!" As he also yells with them.

I should do something... Oh! "Hey, guys!" I shout, they turn their head around synchronously, everyone is looking at me... "How about I tell you a story about quirks?" Luffy immediately spawns on the ground sitting with his feet tucked in. "Are you good at storytelling? I want to hear it! I want to hear it!" The scarred boy screams in excitement, and stars, literal stars show in his eyes. Having his excitement in a physical form, it was like an old cartoon almost...

The other boys also sit down, either reluctantly or interested. "I might as well." The gray eyed boy sighs and top hat mumbles next, "Sure, why not." Shrugging his shoulders as he is going to sit down.

"Well, the era of quirks started when a baby in Keikei City, China, a glowing baby was born and odd people began showing these unique powers. I don't know how it happened but as time passed the unordinary became the average for the world! The world was in chaos but a new profession took storm, Heroes. Fighting bad guys and protecting cities!" I finish my story with excitement surrounding my tone.

Three hands simultaneously raised upwards.

"What's a China?"

"Are the cool powers like devil fruit?"

"Heroes are a job?"

I was a bit shocked for a second, having all these questions being thrown at me.

"A country."

"What's devil fruit?"


Then they all nodded their heads simultaneously, which was seriously weird, and how did they do that? Ace answered, "A devil fruit is a special fruit that has the eater have that special power and the sea betrays them and makes them unable to swim."

I nod my head as the idea rolls around my head, "I see."

I then look at the three, "So you guys don't have quirks - oh sorry - powers? But Luffy does? Did he eat one of these devil fruit things?"

"Yeah! I did! It's called the gum-gum fruit!" He stretched his cheek out, "I'm a rubber man!"

That's so cool! "Hey Tenko! You have power too, right? What is it?" Luffy asks with a big and wide smile on his face.

My power...

It's terrible...

I'm terrible...

I should just tell them...

Cutting my losses now rather than later...

"Uh, um, my power i-is..." There's a lump in my throat, I can't swallow it down... "It's called d-d-decay..." Tears fill my eyes, why am I crying, I shouldn't be crying! It's not like a killer! Someone like me...

Hands hold my shoulders, someone's behind me. I look back and Ace with Sabo holds my shoulders, for what? Why are they doing this? Aren't they disgusted? Why would they touch me?

"Why are you crying?" The boy with the straw-hat questions. "What does your power do?"

My throat is as dry as a dessert, I can't make a single sound...

"Didn't you hear him, Luf? He has a power called decay. But yeah, what does it do?" Sabo inquires shifting his attention from the black-haired boy to me.

I might as well show...

"Can I have that extra stick?" Pointing to the one behind Luffy. "Sure!" He grabs and hands it towards me, I might as well...

I hold it with all my fingers, and it disintegrates in my hands, as ash falls to my palm and slips through my fingers like sand.

"WOAH!" That's so cool!" The brothers say simultaneously, they bombard me with questions left and right, up and down.

"How does it work?!" The blonde-haired boy asks.

"U-umm, I don't know?"

"Do you need something specific or anything that you touch can turn to ash?!" The freckled one questions me next.

"U-uh a-anything works!"

Something hits me hard in the chest and I lift my hands in the air so as to not disintegrate the person or thing on top of me. "Shishishishishi! That's sooooo COOL!" as the black haired inquires as he is also squeezing my ribs.

A smile crawled onto my face, probably strange and wobbly looking, but it felt so good. I want to hug back but I can't. So, I just rest my hand up in the air as I laugh with Luffy, and I hear some chuckles from the other boys too.

Chuckles and belts of laughter ring into the air as a small flock of birds fly to the sky.


I do not own My Hero Academia or One Piece; they are owned by their respective owners. 

Sorry for the really late update! I was busy with school and stuff. But thanks for reading! This chapter has a little more words than usual, having 1278 rather than 1000. But anyways, thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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