Chapter 1: Bahrain GP

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"Look at the gap that Cellbit and Luzu have, it's insane"

"It is crazy since Luzu is the one closest to him on the track"

Cellbit though not anywhere close to the other drivers didn't even think of dropping his guard down, if there is one thing he has learned in the ten years he has been a pilot, it is that. Letting your guard down is practically you asking to lose. He continued to drive his car and be twenty-two point forty-seven seconds in front of Luzu no matter what.

"You're doing great Cell, keep it up"

"Thanks, Dad"

Cellbit said in a joking tone, the whole team called their team leader Philza Watson Minecraft, dad.


"Yes, Phil? I need to concentrate here"

"You need to win, someone is here for you"

Cellbit continued to drive with the adrenaline running through him as he ensured he didn't collide with anything and made the curves just fine. He had his mental state all in the race and he finished the race with first place, he had won the first race of the year. With only two pit stops and no collisions with anything. A great win. He got to the pit stop where he was helped out of the car and he took off his helmet, he rubbed the sweat off his forehead moving his brown hair with the white dyed streak on his bangs. Phil made his way to Cellbit and hugged him.

"You did so well, just like last year"

Cellbit hugged him and he was so happy. Soon Luzu got there, second place alongside him, and anyone who didn't collide or got their car disqualified that race shortly followed. Luzu then got out of his car, and the team got everything ready after they took pictures of him as they did with Cell but Cellbit was quickly swept away.


Cellbit recognized the familiar voice, his stepbrother, Tobias James Smith, or well Tubbo or Toby by his loved ones.


The two hugged, Cellbit hadn't seen his stepbrother for two years, and the boy had been caught up with his studies in college so, seeing him at one of his races is just... everything.

"I missed you Tubbo"

"I missed you too"

The two had to let go so Cellbit could be interviewed.

"So how did you feel while you were on the track?"

The interviewer asked Cellbit who was quick to respond.

"I was focused the whole time, I made sure that I never got lazy because that is how you lose, and I like winning."

"The boy who you hugged you, is that Tubbo? The boy with bi-colored hair, half brown half blond"

"Yeah, he's grown a lot hasn't he"

"He sure has"

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