Chapter 7: Roier and Jaiden's Shenanigans

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"Where were you?"


"No, no me hables en Español, háblame en inglés esta es una conversación importante. I came here earlier than expected and you weren't here? I thought I told you to stay here?"

Roier didn't want to speak, he left a knot in his stomach, and slowly he started feeling nauseous. Could he have drank too much that night? No, he drank way less than normal when he was out at a party. Where was all the confidence and bravery he had with Cellbit, gone? Why is he suddenly scared of what Spreen could do to him?

"Talk to me! Don't just stand there like an object, tell me where were you?!"


"I what?!"

"I went to the party that you told me not to go to"

Roier didn't know why he told him the truth, he could just tell Spreen that he was out for a walk, or went out to eat something, or to a bar. Spreen never told Roier to not go anywhere else, he only said not to go to the party he was going to. Spreen didn't seem to get any less angry, he just looked more furious.

"Who the hell's plus one were you!?"

"Ce-cellbit's, it was at his house and he let me go as his plus one"

Again, Roier didn't know why he told Spreen the truth, he knew he could lie to him, but somehow he just couldn't. Why couldn't he lie like a normal person? Spreen's anger was no longer directed toward Roier but more toward Cellbit now.

"Cellbit huh? Did you know he has an obsessive ex"

Roier had fucking jinxed it, hadn't he? But Roier also didn't see how this was related to their conversation, their argument.

"What? Why is this important? Why does this matter to me or you?"

"Yeah, Cellbit is rumored to have an obsessive ex, which by the public we all know he doesn't have a restraining order on the man and allows him to waltz into his house. Plus, this matters because you could get hurt, Cell's ex might get jealous of you for being too close to Cellbit and he'll hurt you, I don't want that. I just want to protect you love. Plus, the ex is rumored to be a possible Pedophile and if people catch you two near each other you might get canceled and lose your career. So, please Amor, Bebe, mantenerse alejado de ellos? No quiero que te lastimes."

Spreen says the pet name and the rest of the sentence with a soft and gentle tone as he caresses Roier's cheek, hugging Roier. As if he was trying to not scare Roier away from him.

"¿Sabes que todo lo que quiero es lo mejor para ti? Simplemente no quiero que termines herido."

"Yo sé"

Did he tho? Roier wasn't too sure, after what happened with Jaiden could he truly trust Spreen blindly anymore? For countless times, Spreen pushed Roier away from his loved ones, friends, and family. Was it right to follow in his path of blinded love? Roier was perplexed by his opinions, he felt like he was coming to terms with the fact that Spreen could be manipulating him, that he could be hurting him for his self-gain. Maybe people were right that fake relationships that turn into real relationships never last.

Roier had a hard time falling asleep next to Spreen, all he could think of was the way Spreen, so diligently was able to talk Roier into his arms, how easily Roier allowed Spreen into his walls. He wanted to talk to Cellbit, wanted someone else's opinion who wasn't blinded by rose-colored glasses, but he couldn't. Cellbit was most likely asleep right now and after he was done cleaning up tomorrow he would immediately head over to the UK to drop off his brother. Then to Brazil to stay there for the rest of the week until he had to fly to China for the next race. But eventually, his tired brain allowed his eyelids to get heavy so he could finally fall asleep.

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