Chapter 6: Re-Introductions

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"What do you mean you aren't going!?"

Cellbit questioned Roier, Cellbit was excited to make it so Roier could reconnect with Jaiden, and get to hang out with him finally. All just to find out that Roier is not going.

"Yeah, sorry. Spreen said he didn't want me to go"

Cellbit was already starting to hate Spreen but with every new action the man does, Cellbit just ends up hating him even more. Spreen doesn't know how to help his case here, with every new word in Cellbit's brain being Guilty.

"Then don't listen to him"

"What? Cellbo what are you implying here?"

"Sneak out, go without his permission he isn't your dad or mom, just a boyfriend. You can get a new one, Spreen shouldn't be able to control all the aspects of your life. If you want to go to this party then go."

Roier though. He did want to go to that party, he wanted to meet Jaiden all over again. He wanted to have fun.

"But I am not a driver, and I am not Spreen's plus one"

"You're mine plus one, Tubbo is too sad to go and Bagi would much rather hang out with our baby brother than her twin."

Then it was settled, Roier would go to that party.

"Alright, let me just get dressed"

Roier looks through his suitcase for the right outfit, most of his clothes are pajamas because he doesn't leave the hotel room often. But he does eventually find something good. His iconic red zip-up had one think blue strip and a thin black strip across his chest, with a white shirt, and black bootcut jeans. His outfit was complete, he grabbed his things and shoved them into his pockets, and he was on his way to the hotel room where he saw something missing. Roier forgot the blue bandana he tied around his forehead, so before heading out he put it on. When he was out in the hallway, Roier checked his phone to see that Cellbit had texted him.


Here is the address

*The place where the party is being held*

Or do you want me to pick you up?

Roier was confused about how Cellbit could take him, for all he knew Cellbit didn't live in Japan.

What do you mean, take me there?

Well the party is being held at my place

You have a house here?



It's a little beach/vacation house when I want a change of scenery

I also have a house in Monaco, Mexico, and Spain

But my actual house where I live during the off-season or when I have time to go back home is in Brazil


Now I do wanna got there

To look at the place, maybe you'll sell it to me /j


You wish

But really, do you want me to pick you up or do you wanna go on your own?

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