Chapter 4: Australian GP

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Mi Patito Llorón:

¿ Quacks está listo para ver mi carrera?

Por supuesto

Siempre estoy mi amor

Yo nuca voy a perder uno de tus carreras


Por eso te amo con todo mi corazón Quacks

Yo tambien mi novio viejo

"Who are you texting?"

Cellbit asked Luzu, and the older male jumped, he wasn't expecting to see the Brazilian inside his driver's room.

"My future husband"

Cellbit giggled at that and started heading out of the room but before doing so he spoke to Luzu.

"Quali is starting soon"

Luzu smiled and looked down at his phone. He sent a text to Quackity telling Quackity that he would start qualifying, and Quackity answered with a simple "Be safe =P." Qualifying was ok, Luzu got a good spot and Cellbit got first place like always. The two of them spent the night pretty bored, Luzu fell asleep on a call with Quackity while Cellbit fell asleep the moment he hit the mattress and the next day arrived, race day.

"¡Traje yo cervezas!"

Missa yelled when he stepped into Quackity's not-so-little but cozy house in Mexico. Quackity was in the kitchen preparing snacks, and Rivers, a boxer and great friend of Quackity was in the living room entertaining their other friends by singing. Marianna was ready to grab one of the beers Missa held and throw it at the girl, while Aldo was just ready to pass the fuck out.

"¿Qué le pasa con Aldo?"

Missa asked as he put away the beers in the fridge, Quackity was finally done dicing the fruits and passed them to Missa to leave on the coffee table.

"El cabron paso todo la noche escribiendo su libro"

"Hay, ¿nuca sabe como descansar?"

Quackity just shook his head in disagreement, he was tempted to go over to the boy's house and force him to eat, shower, and tuck him to bed so he could clean his house. That is how you know Aldo is in a shit sandwich if Quackity is having the maternal instincts that he wasn't even supposed to have in the first place.

"¡Es un pendejo pero es tiempo para preparar todo, la carrera comienza en treinta minutos!"

With twenty-five minutes left the whole thing was set up, but one person was missing. Everyone but Quackity was confused when the doorbell rang, and Quackity ran to the door.

"¡Roier! Llegastes, entre tengo yo pan dulce, fruta, y café hecho. ¿Tienes hambre? ¿Has tenido desayuno?"

Roier walked into the house and sat on the couch where Quackity showed him he could.

"Si, ya tuve desayuno, pero todavia si me voy a tomar un vaso de cafe"

Quackity turned on his phone and asked.

"¿Español, o Inglés?"

Everyone agreed to watch it in Spanish and the race was on, they watched whatever was left of the driver's parade before switching back to the race to hear the iconic.

"¡Y la Fórmula Uno está en marcha!"

All the cars began to drive, the drivers in their mindset as they watched the red light go out and they all went on. Cellbit was in the lead with Punz right behind him, this was the Ferrari driver's first race ever since he got his appendix removed. The whole reason little Tommy got to race in the previous race.

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