Chapter 3: Luis M. Kennedy

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"Am I interrupting something?"

Cellbit asked while Quackity continued to whine in Luzu's arms.

"Nah, I'd appreciate it if you help me get Quackity off me, because if doesn't he'll be late"

Luzu told Cellbit, Cellbit then went on to help Luzu get Quackity off him, honestly. Both himself and ElQuackity were confused as fuck how someone so small and weak as Quackity had such a strong grip on Luzu. But what got Quackity to let go wasn't Cellbit, or ElQuackity, or even Luzu it was a notification on his phone.

"Slime esta en directo!!!!"

"Who is Slime?"

ElQuackity asked his twin brother and Quackity lit up with pure existent, Cellbit whispered the word autistic to Luzu when Quackity did that.

"While in the paddock when I was waiting for Luzu to go to his driver room two days ago, I was on Tik Tok and I saw a clip of this one guy, his name was Slimecicle and he's really funny."

"Well, it's almost time for your flight so either you hurry and catch up to Missa or you are stuck here with us until you can book a flight to Mexico and miss your gig."

Luzu told Quackity, and the Mexican man was quick to kiss his boyfriend goodbye, punched his twin brother, and hugged Cellbit before he left. The three drives went off to do their own thing, and Cellbit only liked to do one thing in his free time outside of playing the F1 sim and the gym, he called Tubbo.

"Ello! How are you, Rafa?"

"I am well Tubs, how are you?"

Tubbo put a whole hard-boiled egg into his mouth and chewed on it before answering Cellbit.

"I am doing well, went on a date with Fred yesterday. Did you know he also goes to Uni here, I get to see him more often!"

"That's great, how is school?"

"You know, the usual, I had my mechanics class today and it was fun, plus I got to be on Piso's stream today."

Piso is a great friend of Tubbo's, and he always invites Tubbo and his friends to be on his streams, he is also considered Tubbo version number two before he got a haircut.

"That sounds fun"

"Yeah, we got to react to a lot of thirst traps today, and we saw the occasional one of me when I got interviewed when I was freshly eighteen at your races in 2021. But what did you do today?"

"I woke up and had breakfast at this restaurant down the street, the food was delicious. I then went to the gym and called you right after, but I was planning to get lunch soon, you eating dinner?"


Tubbo ate another hard-boiled egg, and Cellbit got a text message.


Luis M. Kennedy:

What are you doing?


U nosy?

Não seja um bastardo intrometido, Roier




I was just wondering cause I was bored

So, I am only here to entertain you?

I already do that for a living

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