Chapter 2: Saudi Arabia GP

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Cellbit woke up to someone slamming a door, he quickly got up to see what it was but it was just Tubbo running to the bathroom to throw up. Cellbit then realized that he got up too fast for his body to get used to, so he had to sit back down to recalibrate. Once he felt better he got up and looked through his backpack for some Pedialyte and a granola bar, he then went to the bathroom to see Tubbo throwing up.

"Take out?"
Take out!"

Cellbit then ordered some McDonald's for breakfast, some hot cakes, hashbrowns, and McMuffins, Tubbo had a hard time eating it because he was hungover and very much felt sick. Cellbit looked at his brother as they ate on the ground, Tubbo noticed his brother was staring at him.

"Are you gonna drink again after this?"

Tubbo sat there taking a bite of his McMuffin thinking about what his brother had asked him and responded.

"Yes, I will"
"I swear, how did you get into UOM? You are just an idiot at some points"

Tubbo only shrugged his shoulders at what his brother had said to him, Cellbit then got up from the ground.

"Well, I am going to the gym, you wanna come?"

Cellbit asked his brother, who only looked at him with disappointment.

"You want me? To go to the gym with you? In my condition? Fuck no!"

Cellbit laughed at his younger's reaction, he knew that Tubbo didn't like going to the gym and rather do his at-home exercises while he worked on the machines and projects he had. But at the gym Cellbit did his normal workout, treadmill, weights, and goes to the specialized machines for Formula One races. But once he was done he was all sweaty so a shower was the first thing he did once he was in the hotel room.

"You good? Was the workout nice?"

Tubbo asked Cellbit once he got out of the shower.

"Yeah, got a lot off my mind"

Cellbit said starting to look for something to wear picking up his stuff since he had a flight the next day. A phone was shot up his face, a notification from an unknown number, and about three missed calls from a contact under "Luzu (My Replacement)" with a checkered flag emoji following the name.

"What the fuck does Luzu want from me now? And who is that?"
"Idk, that is why I am showing it to you"

Cellbit took his phone from Tubbo and threw Tubbo's bag at him.

"Start packing, Pac called an Uber for you to take you to your flight."

Tubbo started to pout as he started to pack his stuff, Tubbo had a flight that night to head back to the United Kingdom so he could quickly get back to his classes and studies. But while he did that Cellbit locked himself into the bathroom to call Luzu.

"Cellbit you finally picked!"

The familiar Spaniard's voice was heard through the phone, and Cellbit was quick to cut the chase.

"What so fucking important that you called me non-stop while I was in the shower"

Cellbit heard Luzu shuffle around for a bit and flip through some pages in a notepad. Making Cellbit confused about what the boy wanted.

"Help me figure out where I should propose do you think is best to ask Patito to marry me? Japan, Miami-"
"You are proposing?!"
"Yes! It's been three years, it's about time I put a ring on it."

Cellbit was surprised, he never heard Quackity talking about expecting Luzu to propose or Luzu talking about proposing to Quakcity.

"Why didn't you call Xander for this, he is your boyfriend's twin he knows him better than anyone?"
"I would but Alexander doesn't seem to know how to shut up sometimes, so I don't want to risk him ruining it for my Patito."

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