Chapter 8

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Hi 🤗..
<3 months time skip>
Bobby opened the door, expecting catnap to come, knowing the news. She wanted to help him tell Dogday. "So, when are you gonna tell him? It has been months and you've been keeping it from him. 5 months more til your due and he still doesn't know!" She said, looking at him as he sat down "I know it's been months yes.. but I have a good reason you know? And maybe later.." he responded, placing his hands on his lap. "Later, later, but until then, he still doesnt know. Seriously? Are you gonna keep it from him or something? You need to tell him. Im getting quite impatient because of you." She said, pressing her finger at the bridge of her nose. She looked at him once more, he seemed to be deep in his thoughts. "So, what's your final decision cat? Its now or never. You do know there are chances he is gonna be mad at you for not telling him earlier." She broke the silence between them, his head turned towards her. "I know and i regret that you know.. Its hard for both of us? I didnt even know i was born an intersex. I just found that out!" He exclaimed. "Whats an intersex?" She asked in response. "Ill explain to you later, help me first will ya?" Bobby sighed as she sat down next to him, crossing her arms. "Oh what to do with both of you. I dont know whats giving me a headache, school or this situation." She said with a sarcastic tone, while catnap just prevented himself from flicking the back of her head. "Cant you be helpful for me?" He said, sarcastically, making Bobby look at him with one brow raised. "I am trying to be helpful, you're just hard to deal with you know?" She responded and Catnap just rolled his eyes with a smile. He looked down at his lap, his thoughts started to take over him again. Bobby put a hand on his shoulder due to her concern for him since he looked like he was about to cry, and so he did. She hugged him, trying to calm him down. "Hey, it's okay Cat. Calm down." - "it's not okay Bobby! We're teen adults! Not like full adults! It's hard being born as an intersex. I wasn't expecting this to happen." He yelled back, both of his hands placed against his face, covering it as he started to cry. She started comforting him by patting his backs, drawing circles on it. "Alright, alright, I apologize. I guess im pressuring you right now so, take a quick break. Ill call someone real quick." She said, letting go, standing up and walking out of that room. Catnap watched as he felt guilt build up in him. He never meant to lash out like that. He sighed as he felt tired, his eyes wanting to close already, he felt tired. He closed it for a moment til he drifted off to sleep without even noticing.

On the other hand, Bobby dialed Bubba's number, waiting for him to answer as she taps her foot on the floorboard. "Hello?" She heard his voice on the phone. "Heyyy Bubba! How are you doing?" She asked, putting a smile on her face, waiting for his response. "Oh! Bobby. Im doing great thank you. What about you?" He asked her back, he was curious since Bobby reaches out for him unless she has some serious problems, or questions, or its either they're partnered for something. "Im doing great but im in a bit of trouble right now. Actually, scratch that! We're in trouble right now and i have no idea what to do about it." She responded, making Bubba more curious and concerned. "Is there something wrong, Bobby?" . "Ye, huge one. Remember a guy that has purple hair and cat ears and a long ass tail?" She asked, hoping he'd say yes. "Hmmm.. ye no but kickin knows him i believe. He told me a story on how he accidentally stepped on a cat's tail and the cat glared at him, his description about the cat is just the same as yours. Though he never got his name." He answered. "Why?" He asked curiously. "We need your help. You're the only person i know who can deal with this shit" she said hoping he'd say yes. "Hm. Of course ill help! Whats the problem?" He asked. "Thecatispregnantandwe'rehavingtroubleonhowweshouldtelltheguywhogothimpregnantaboutthisanddontaskmehowthisispossibleokay." She said, she spoke it very quickly but luckily he understood. "Wait, pregnant? A guy? The cat?" He asked, reassuring if he heard it right. "Yes, and we're trying to tell him." Bobby said, bubba thought about it. "How about, you, the cat and the guy meet up somewhere private, obviously, and talk about it. Dont be afraid, if he gets rejected you're there for him." He said, Bobby thought about it for a bit. 'That doesnt seem like a bad idea.' She thought . "Ill try, but im gonna need company." She said. "Ask crafty, im quite busy since Kickin fractured his leg playing with hoppy and now his whining in pain." He said, chuckling a bit. "Ah! Did I disturb? I quickly apologize for that. Thank you though, Bubba! We'll try your advice." She said. They both said their goodbyes. She set her phone down as she walked back into the room. She noticed Catnap sleeping and she smiled at that knowing her friend is resting right now. She walked out of the room, closing the door quietly, trying to avoid from waking him up from his nap. She walked towards her phone again, sitting down on a chair as she began typing. She was chatting Crafty and Dogday.


Bobby: pst @dogday @crafty

Dogday: wsp Bobby?

Crafty: Hi!!

Bobby: Hey dog, hey darling. I just wanted to ask you both something.

Dogday: what is it?

Bobby: is it okay-if we meet up at Wednesday, afternoon around 5? I just wanted to talk about something.

Dogday: Well, i don't mind!

Crafty: Me too! But can i ask, what for?

Bobby: It's something important.. i hope yall can come! Ill explain to u later crafts.

Crafty: Okay sweetie! Ill be home in a few. Im just finishing a few more arts.

Dogday: Well okay, I'll see you two in Wednesday then? Im writing right now.

Bobby: yep! Ttyls!


Bobby sat her phone down, she'll have to tell catnap later about the plan. She hopes that Catnap would take it well due to some reasons.


Hi 🥰‼️
Im gonna disappear again soon

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