Chapter 1

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Henry Cavill... You've heard of him, I'm sure? The overly-talented, beautifully-accented, British movie star with a jawline that could cut glass and two marshmallows for asscheeks? The kind-hearted building with feet that could have his pick of literally any human being on the face of the planet? That Henry Cavill? Well, I know him a little differently.

Who am I? No one. Literally no one. You know that girl in all the romcoms- that is like the main character's average-looking best friend? Yeah... I'm that girl's like cousin or something. I have long dirty blonde hair with a little curvier build. So yes, I happily indulge in a burger when it's an option. I like salad too, but burgers? Hello! Anyway, I digress.

I'm a bit much if you haven't caught on already. I've always justified myself by saying I have 'a big personality' but in all reality- I'm probably just a cynic. Oh, but how did you get this way, you may ask? Well, I'll spare you the entire sob story of my mom dying after giving birth to me and we'll skip to my dad throwing himself into his job to avoid me, entirely. My brother, on the other hand, was the golden child. My dad was always so proud and actively sought ways to brag about and dote on Brian. We were somewhat close growing up, despite our 2-year age gap. Of course, dear old Dad moving us halfway across the world helped with that.

I remember the day Dad got the orders. It was the summer I turned 13. He came home and very simply stated, "We'll be moving to Buckingham, United Kingdom in 6 weeks. Start packing." Sentimental, that one. We knew better than to ask any questions. I stomped to my room and cried while throwing things into boxes. We moved from Alabama in the dead of summer with 95+ degrees (Fahrenheit, I must add) to Buckingham, UK where the weather sat at a balmy 17 degrees Celsius. That's only 65 degrees where I'm from!

As soon as we arrived, I was taken aback at the small, 3-bedroom home the military had assigned us. I dared not to complain because I knew Brian soon would. Dad always responded to Brian's whining much better than mine.

"Dad? Why is it so small?" He groaned right on cue, looking at the cramped kitchen space. My room and Brian's room combined were the size of my room back home.

"Well," he explained, "the two of you won't be spending much time here since you're starting boarding school in a few weeks. I've already enrolled the two of you into Stowe.."

"But..." Tears formed in my eyes as I attempted to hang on to the only parent I'd ever known. "We'll never get to see you!" My emotions flowed from my mouth before I could stop them.

"Well, without you having a mother to take care of you and my long hours," he eyed me carefully, "you really have no other option."

I wiped my eyes before turning and walking from the room, leaving Brian to argue with Dad. I unpacked only enough to get me through the next 3 weeks. No point in unpacking since I'd be moving again.

The weeks leading up to my next move passed slowly. I knew no one, had no friends, and knew nothing of the area around where we lived. Brian and I would venture out some days to explore but we always tried to make it home before Dad did.

Move-in day was rough. I remember looking at Brian and being terrified that he wasn't going to be just down the hall anymore. He hugged me before shoving me in the direction of the girls' dorms. I was just about to step inside when a tall, built, lunky, brown-headed punk ran right into me, knocking me down.

He bent down helping me up in his full rugby uniform, "Sorry dear, I didn't see you there."

"Well maybe you should look next time," I brushed down my skirt, "And I'm not your dear!" I turned on my heels and stomped inside the girls' dorms, scolding myself for being irrationally angry at the boy's mistake. I rolled my eyes and went to find the dorm master. She showed me to my room which was three times as big as my room at my Dad's flat. (See, I'm mastering the lingo!) I met a sweet young lady named Becky who would not only be my dorm mate for the semester but would become one of my closest friends.

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