Chapter 8

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It takes me a full minute before I can meet your eyes. Your hand on my chest and in my hair calm my racing heart and ground me to you. Feeling your forehead against mine, I close my eyes and breathe you in. You're right. You're right here. I place my hand on your cheek and waist, drawing you into me, "I'm sorry. I failed to protect you... again."

"I knew something was going on with you two!" Oliver spits.

"So what if there was?" You turn those wild eyes on him, "You figured you could just drug me and take what you wanted?"

When he takes a step toward you, I step toward him. Your hand on my chest stops me but your glare never leaves him.

He chuckles, whispering where only you and I can hear, "You can't prove anything."

"Why would you do that?" You shake your head just trying to understand.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I thought since everyone else had gotten a taste... figured it was my turn."

Before I can put his ass in the dirt again, you rear back and punch him right in the nose. His head whips back and he grabs his freshly bloodied face. His glare swipes from you to me and I hope he tries something. You step close and whisper, "If I EVER see you again, I will slap your ass with so many charges, you'll be a fucking walking generator."

He grits his teeth and huffs before turning and walking to his car, slamming the door, and peeling out of the café parking lot.

I watch as you gently open and shut your hand, wincing with every movement. Running my hand from your shoulder to your injured hand, I lift your already bruising knuckles, "Walking generator?" I shake my head, smiling.

"Shut up," you laugh.

"How's your hand?"

"It REALLY hurts, Henry! That was nothing like the movies!" Your tears mix with your smile at your own joke.

I smile and shake my head, gently caressing your knuckles with my thumb, "Alright Rocky, let's get some ice on that."

I help you through your crowded door since most of your customers were watching the spectacle. You apologize briefly and offer everyone a discount before guiding me up the stairs to your flat.

"You've lived here the whole time?" I smile, looking around at the modest space.

"It saves me from having to get up too early," you walk to the kitchen while I shut the door.

"Go sit down. I'll bring it to you." I'm relieved when you do what I ask instead of fighting me... for once.

After I've wrapped a thin towel around the bag of peas, I squat in front of you and take your hand, "That was a solid hit, Y/N."

"Yeah, well... he had it coming," you smile, obviously proud of yourself. You suck in a sharp breath when the cold settles on your bruised knuckles.

My smile falters, "Y/N, how are you doing with everything?" I keep my hands on your injured one while my eyes roam over your face. "With..."

"With being drugged by my boyfriend and almost date-raped?" Your bold interruption makes me glance away, working my jaw. Your hand gently touches my face, "I'm alright, Henry. I'm alright because you came through for me."

"I'll always come for you," I smile softly, letting my eyes roam over the delicate curves of your face, "Y/N. Will you do something for me?" You nod and I touch your knee, "Press charges anyway."


"If he's done this to you, he'll do it to someone else if he hasn't already."

"I don't have any proof," you sigh, shaking your head.

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