Chapter 17

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Marc has been pushing us harder than ever to try and finish this set of scenes before Christmas. This past week, I've only made it to your flat twice before you were asleep. You've had your own long days with Edith and Amelia already gone for the holidays. You're back to working the café by yourself and Becky when she can spare a moment. After the second time I woke you up, I just started going back to my flat. It's dreadfully quiet because Kal has been staying with you since I've been keeping such long hours. I'm certainly looking forward to a few days off and since you, Brian, and Becky have agreed to a Cavill Christmas, I'll not have to split my time between my loved ones and the one I love.

Since I have some time this morning, with tomorrow being Christmas Eve, I swing by the café. I smile to myself as I take in the decor we put up inside. It may be a dreary, gray Buckingham day but stepping into your café feels like walking into a winter Christmas wonderland. Christmas music plays softly over the speakers. Everyone is smiling and happy as you buzz around the café. When I finally catch your gaze, your eyes light up, making me smile. You finish up with your current customer before walking into my arms.

"What are you doing here, mister?" You whisper, smiling up at me.

"I uhh... missed Kal," I tease before bending down and brushing a soft kiss against your lips.

"Just Kal?" Your eyebrows raise.

"Yeah? Should I have missed someone else?" When you roll your eyes and try to pull out of my arms, I grin, "OK! OK! I may have missed my beautiful girlfriend."

"We've missed you too. I'll grab my keys and you can run up and say hello." You dip behind the counter and toss your keys to me as more customers walk in.

I only get to spend a few minutes with Kal before having to head to set. Marc has already said today is going to be a long one since he's giving us the next week off. These are intense, physical scenes. I spend my time doing mock fighting scenes and falling off of things. I can tell I will definitely be feeling this tomorrow.

Marc calls the final 'Cut' after the sun has been long set. I quickly bid everyone 'Happy Christmas' before running to my trailer and changing. When I make it to your flat, I frown to see your lights off. I climb the stairs and start to knock on the door before a hint of silver catches my eye. I bend down and find your key partially shoved under the mat. Smiling, I shake my head and unlock your door. The sight of you partially covered with a blanket, asleep on the couch with Kal under your arm makes my breath catch in my throat. Kal only raises his head when I enter before laying it back on your shoulder.

He huffs when I make him get down before bending and scooping you up in my arms. You instantly snuggle your head into my neck making my heart gallop. I kiss your forehead softly as I lay you down and carefully cover you up, sliding into bed behind you. "Sleep tight, my angel," I whisper before giving into sleep myself.

"Henry!" You huff, making me realize my phone has been buzzing for several seconds now.

"Sorry," I grumble, rolling over to answer. "Hello?"

"Henry!" Mum's voice calls through the phone. "When are you coming over, dear?"

I groan, running my hand over my face. What is the time? "Mum, it's... it's so early!"

She chuckles softly, "Dear, it's nearly 10 am. Marc must have worked you hard yesterday."

10 am? I haven't slept this late since I was a teenager! "We'll be there shortly, Mum! I love you!"

"We?" She questions as I am hanging up the phone.

I quickly lean over and plant soft kisses over the side of your face and shoulder. "Good morning, beautiful. I do believe it is time to wake up. We've been asleep for quite some time."

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