Chapter 16

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When my alarm sounds for the first time in nearly two weeks, my first thought is to throw it against the wall. My first night back in my bed wasn't as bad as I thought, although I did miss seeing Henry shirtless and sweaty or waiting for me with a cup of coffee. I drag myself from bed and dress quickly before heading down to the café. It feels so good to be back with my hands in dough, creating my favorite cinnamon buns.

Edith and Amelia arrive within minutes of one another and run in, wrapping me in a hug before catching me up on all the local happenings. They are overjoyed when I gush over my vacation, leaving out a few *tiny* details. I blush at the looks of pride when I inform them of Oliver's arrest. "You did it, Y/N," Amelia grins, shaking her head.

"We're so happy for you! You look so... happy," Edith adds. "Wonder if there's anything you're leaving out that includes a certain tall, dark-headed actor."

"On that note," I laugh, "Time to get back to work." Edith winks with a laugh and taps her nose before pointing to me.

We work through the morning rush with many of my regulars welcoming me back. When I finally have a few seconds to check my phone, I see several messages from Henry that plant a permanent smile on my lips. The end of the day can not come fast enough. We have just finished tidying up when Geralt knocks on the door. I laugh and shake my head, making my way over.

"Go on!" Edith practically shoves me out the door, "We'll lock up."

I bite my lip opening the door. My voice comes out in barely a whisper as I look up at him, "Hi."

"Hello, darling," his voice is low and inviting, making me want to do things I have no business doing. He leans around me and waves to Edith and Amelia, "Good evening, ladies."

They cast suspicious smiles at us before shewing us upstairs. As I fumble with the lock, Henry's lips land on my neck causing me to suck in a deep breath. "Henry," I gasp, twisting the handle. The second my door closes, he takes my chin between his thumb and fingers and crashes his lips on mine. The kiss is deep and needy, making me crave more. When I pull back, trying to force my stupid lungs to work, I almost jump. I completely forgot he was dressed in that costume.

"Change. Now," I point to the bathroom, making him laugh. He kisses my forehead before nodding and making his way to my bedroom.

"I ordered dinner, darling. It should be here shortly!" He calls.

"Thanks, babe!" I call, grabbing down some glasses. "Oh, we're having dinner with Becky and Brian on Thursday!"

He steps out looking more like my Henry. "Oh yeah. Still want to keep 'us' a secret?" He wraps his arms around my waist.

I grin, "I can if you can."

"Oh, yeah?" His brows furrow and he cocks his head to the side, "That resistible, am I?"

"You have no idea," I grin. "But seriously, I think maybe just until Christmas."


I wish that I could say that we had the easiest time keeping our relationship under wraps in front of Brian and Becky. That would be entirely false, however. I would steal a glance at my darling only to find you already looking at me with that bottom lip tucked between your teeth. It's unfair, really- all I wanted was that same lip between my own teeth. Your leg brushing against mine beneath the table almost undid me. It was more than difficult to focus on whatever Brian was speaking to me about.

When it's finally time to go, I walk you to your car as Becky and Brian watch on in suspicious silence. I bend and place a gentle kiss on your cheek, whispering, "Meet me at my flat." I grin when I pull back and find you breathless with the heat reaching your cheeks. You nod and within a few minutes, we both arrive at my flat. I jog to your car, opening your door. Quickly, I take your hand and pull you out and into my arms. My lips find yours and when your mouth opens in surprise, I use it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss.

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