Chapter 5

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After the apology that I've unknowingly craved for 10 years, I can't stay. I find Becky, fighting back the tears clawing their way into my throat, "I'm sorry. I have to go."

Brian pops his head in, "Sis? What's up?"

I shake my head, purposely avoiding Henry, and try to smile, "I'll call you both later." Quickly, I make my escape. Why did I lie to Henry? Do I want to hurt him? Is that who I've become- this vindictive person, wanting to get even?

When Brian calls me, I do my very best to persuade him that I'm fine. Henry and I just need a little break for a while. Brian suspected my feelings for Henry for a while but never pushed the issue. I fall into bed, dreading tomorrow morning when Henry will, undoubtedly, make his way into my café.

It feels like only moments have passed from when I close my eyes to when my alarm is screaming at me. I sigh and turn it off before getting ready and heading down to get the day's pastries ready. Opening brings my regular customers and, albeit slight, the distraction I've needed. Every time the doorbell chimes, I glance at it, waiting to see a large, brown-haired, blue-eyed man. When his usual arrival time comes and goes... I can't describe the ache that settles into my chest. Why would he ever come back? I made my position perfectly and hurtfully clear last night.

The doorbell chimes toward the end of the working day and I automatically look over. Instead of Henry, Oliver stands in the doorway. "Good afternoon, Y/N," he smiles, making his way to the counter.

I smile but it feels wrong, "Hello, Oliver. What can I get for you?"

"Ooph! Sounds like you've had a rough day?" His voice is low and soothing.

"Rough night that just kinda carried over to this morning," I admit.

"How about you let me take you out to dinner?" Before I can decline, he holds his hands up, adding, "Even if it's just as friends... You shouldn't have to worry about dinner after having such a bad day."

I smile. Dinner does sound nice and Oscar is very sweet... not to mention, smokin' hot. "I think I'd like that."

He claps his hands together, "Wonderful. I've got a couple of errands to run but I'll pick you up around 5?"

I nod, "I'll just meet you here." Of course, I can't tell him I live just upstairs... He could be crazy!

Dinner goes wonderfully. Oscar picks me up before taking me to my favorite Italian restaurant. We talk about everything from my home and family to his career. He's an investment banker. He is so gentle when it comes to asking about why I was so upset when he arrived. "Y/N," he gently takes my hand in his. It doesn't give me the shooting spark Henry did but still... It's nice. "If I may, you seemed overly sad when I arrived today. Are you willing to talk about it? If not, I understand. I just want to help."

I sigh and look out the window, "I recently had a run-in with my first love and dear friend. He broke my heart and I thought I was over it but seeing him again..."

"Do you still love him?"

I shake my head, "I don't know but there's still so much hurt and frustration there. More than that though... I miss our friendship."

Oliver squeezes my hand before bringing my hand to his lips, "I hope it's not too forward but he was a fool. Anyone that would let a beautiful woman like you go, is a fool." I blush and shyly dip my head. "Also, he couldn't have been a very good friend and hurt you the way he did. For that, I am truly sorry." He pays the tab before dropping me back off at the café. When I start to climb out, he takes my hand, "Y/N, I would like to take you out again. May I?"

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