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We walked into the Dingo and sat at a booth. A blonde waitress around my age took our orders, and I ordered a burger with a strawberry milkshake.

"So Isabella, what do you like doing? Two asked starting a conversation.

"Well I really like cars, sometimes I like partying, and I really love fashion."

All the boys stared at me with their mouths slightly parted. I got confused and started wondering if I said something wrong.

"You're- you're PERFECT!" Steve shouted.

I laughed and so did the others while the doorbell alarmed the workers that a new customer arrived.

My back was facing the door, so I couldn't see who just came in ,but it must have been the other person because Johnny's face lit up.

"Hey Dal!" Johnny voiced.

"Sup guys." mystery man replied. He had a dark, husky, New York accent that was really deep. I heard boots clacking against the floor coming towards our table. I turned around and saw a really tall, lean man with chocolate brown eyes. He had hair that matched his eyes and was wearing a black leather jacket with some denim. He sat down next to me and asked,

"Who's the pretty little lady?" he questioned with a wink.

I blushed a little and replied, "Names Isabella, Isabella L/N."

He put his arm behind my back, resting it on the booth and came real close to my face.

"Well, Isabella, my names Dallas Winston. So you're the Curtis' cousin?" I nodded and he gave me a smirk.

The lady came back with our food and handed me my burger and milkshake.

"Uh Miss!" Dally yelled. The voice was so raspy and deep it made me get butterflies in my stomach.

"We need another straw here!" The lady gave Dallas a straw, but he put his straw into my milkshake!

"That's better isn't?" he winked once more.

I rolled my eyes at him, but inside my heart was beating so fast, and my stomach was doing acrobats.

We ate our meal while the guys continued to ask me questions about myself and of course I shocked them with my replies. I told them that I'm going to enroll in high school once the summer is over and possibly get a summer job. Steve and Soda gave me a look and shouted, "Work at the DX PLEASE!"

"It's a gas station that we both work at, and we need a cashier and part time engineer! PLEASE ISABELLA!" Steve pleaded. I giggled and told them I would be interested. They high fived and went back to eating. As I was about the drink my milkshake, Dally was also going in and our foreheads bumped each others.

"Sorry!" I giggled and it made him smile

"No problem doll." He said before we both started drinking the milkshake. Something about him made me go crazy. Maybe it's the way he walks, or the way he talks, or the way he makes me feel inside. His smile and his eyes, I dont want to wait for tonight...

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