Chapter 23

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A/N: Thank you so much for 10,000 reads!!! I can't believe this book is hitting this milestone. Here is a surprise double update, if you haven't already, please read chapter 22 before this one unless you don't want to read smut. Thank you so much to everyone that has voted, commented, or just straight up stumbled across this book and decided to give it a try. You are my day ones. Thank you so much!!!

 Thank you so much!!!

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Cameron's POV

For the next few days following our trip to San Diego, I found myself spending way more time at Adrian's, Devin's, and Aaron's houses because I want to spend as little time as possible with my family. Mostly my dad. His expectations are really high for me, as are my expectations for myself, but he has expectations different from mine. I want to succeed at football, which I think I am doing a good job at. He wants me to succeed in business, which is so boring for me. The exact day we got back from San Diego, he sat me down and played a Powerpoint about business.

"Alright Cam, since you don't know that much about running a company, I am going to show you this Powerpoint," he states. I am so uninterested in this stupid bullshit, but staying means that he won't be angry at me. 

"Okay," I reply, slouching into the couch. 

He begins the slideshow with a crude animation of himself doing a cartwheel and chuckles at it. I find this shit so fucking stupid and I want nothing more than to just leave and find a park to play football in for an hour.

"Alright, so there are three major elements of business," he starts. "People, process, and technology. These three things are the most important things that you need to understand to have successful business operations."

"Cool," I lie. This is anything but cool.

"People is the first of these three elements. People are the ones in the company who are supposed to do the work. I and my father before me have done a good job at putting people we trust in important positions in the company. You can hire a large amount of workers, but then you have to snuff out the lazy, ineffective workers, leaving just the hard working employees."

I nod at this, half listening and half completely zoned out. None of this is interesting, but I would like to feel what it's like to fire someone. I don't know if I would feel bad or just be evil as fuck, but that's something I need to figure out myself. 

"The process is the second part. Once you have the people that you want in the positions that you want them in, you have to make sure that they know what their role in the company is. Make sure they're not doing anything that they shouldn't be doing, or that they are doing the things that they do need to be doing. Understand?"

"Yeah, I just have one question. What is it like to fire someone?" I ask.

"It's tough right until you say the words 'you're fired' or for older employees, 'you are being relieved of your duties.' After you say those words, you start to feel good about yourself, about the fact that you just got rid of someone that was not helping your company."

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