The Past

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Lexi's P.O.V

"Listen here you little son of a bitch," I screamed fiercely at Nathan.

"Woah Lexi, back the fuck up," Nathan motioned for me to step back.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you are the most idiotic, selfish, and inconsiderate bitch known to man!" I yelled even more as my tone rised by the second.

"Lexi I think you should-" Will said before I cut him off.

"Hush it William," I put one finger in his face. It must've been very rude to do that to my boyfriend but I can't help it. My face was red hot with anger. I couldn't stand being within the presence of an idiot.

"Oh my word," I heard Will mutter to himself.

"Okay Lexi, Lexi games or whoever the hell you are, I want you to back off and leave us alone this is all your fault in the first place! If you kept you little mouth shut Nathan would still be your frend," Jessica argued with me.

"Shut up you fucking skank! Get the fuck outta here you weren't invited!" I was about to slap her but I didn't since I was in a public place. I clenched my fist tight and I looked at Nathan.

"You... you did this! You fucking ruined all of this! You ruined this trip because you just had to bring your girlfriend along! We thought you were better than that I can't believe Alyssa has a crush on you..." My tone lowered and I began to walk away before being stopped by Nathan again.

"Wait... Alyssa had a crush on me?" He asked with the look of guilt in his eyes.

"No shit Nathan, no shit."


(One day later)

Will, Jordan, Emmalie, Alyssa, Matt and I went to meet up with the Cube members at the Cheesecake Factory, Graser said I could bring my friends so I did. I'm just hoping Emmalie is able to contain herself because she's a big Cube fangirl. I told Graser I would only be bringing 4 people with me but it changed to 3 since Nathan isn't going to be with us.

"Lexaaaaaaay and Will what's up?" Julio asked us as we walked into The Cheesecake Factory to meet with the rest of the group.

"Pretty good man, how about you?" Will asked Julio.

"Doing great," Julio smiled.

"How about you Jordan?" Julio looked at Jordan as he was pulling Emmalie by the hand.

"Uhm... Uh," Jordan couldn't talk.

"They have a 'thing' for eachother but don't talk about it in front of them, they get embarrassed. Look!" I commented and I motioned toward Jordan and Emmalie's red face.

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